Sunday, June 9, 2019

How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check out

Contemporary design is the vanguard when it comes to architecture. The contemporary homes always stand out from the rest thanks to their simplicity, and that is what makes them so striking for the public.

Contemporary style is based on being bold and daring, rejecting classic ideas through strong contrasts. The finishes take great importance, and the forms are updated to use those that previously were not used.

In the contemporary interior design, it is common to see mixtures of building materials for the finishes, as well as the use of opposite colors.

Furniture that once pursued a square design adopts round shapes, and natural materials such as linen or jute are mixed with woods and metals.

A special feature of the contemporary home decor is its constant change. What is popular today, tomorrow is not anymore. Chevron patterns or plastic furniture are just some fleeting ideas of this movement. However, if something becomes trending, it will immediately be adopted by the movement.

But all this may seem confusing to us, after all, how do we identify a style that is never the same? Today we will show you how you can identify contemporary homes.

You are not the only one who does not differentiate at first a contemporary home decor

Lakewood-Country-Club-by-Synergistic-Development How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check out
Image source: Synergistic Development

It may seem ironic that such a popular style is so difficult to identify. The reality is that contemporary homes are not so simple to find for the newbie’s eye.

In general, architectural styles are a constant evolution of other styles, but the case of the contemporary style is unique because its concept is constantly redefined.

We will try to synthesize this movement so that you can easily identify a contemporary home style.

Most popular ideas among contemporary homes

Maximum use of neutral colors

LARGE-CONTEMPORARY-FAMILY-HOME-by-Bagnato-Architecture-n-Interiors How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Bagnato Architecture & Interiors

The use of warm and pastel colors predominate over pure and bright colors. In addition, light colors are more popular than dark colors, with certain exceptions that are still used as secondary colors.

We can use bright and garish colors but in a moderate way. A subtle way to do it, but at the same time is remarkable, is through the use of furniture. Small purple shades on the cushions of a white sofa are perfect for contemporary homes.

The lines are the most important shapes

Contemporary-Tranquility-by-Scott-Christopher-Homes How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Scott Christopher Homes

No modern house decor is complete without lines. Not only as a painted aesthetic element but also as part of the architecture.

The straight elements are achieved in every corner of the modern home interior. They are large and marked and can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, trussed or curved.

If we pay attention, we can see that they are used on roofs, windows, doors, artworks, and many other things.

Space is just as important as lines

Contemporary-Hillside-Home-by-Tom-Meaney-Architect-AIA How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Tom Meaney Architect, AIA

The contemporary concept is based on the fact that less is more. That’s why every free space is important since we can play with what it can show us.

The structural elements in contemporary homes can be totally visible, but we will have to decorate them so that they seem part of the whole work and not just a waste.

If there are pipes or air ducts in the ceiling, mix them with the decoration with a coat of paint. Use a contrasting color if you want it to be visible, or combine it with the background if it is a detail that does not add anything to your decoration.

The furniture defines your contemporary interior

Northwest-Contemporary-Home-by-Contract-Furnishings-Mart How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Contract Furnishings Mart

Just as contemporary buildings use the lines and spaces to highlight, the furniture adopts these concepts to create their characteristic shapes.

First, the construction of the furniture is fully visible, which means that we will not hide the legs with skirts or fabrics. The shapes used remain straight and smooth, without sudden movements.

Contemporary furniture avoids using unnecessary detail, both construction, and finish. That’s why the biggest contrast is achieved in the accessories.

The supports tend to be untreated wood to see their natural lines. Polished metals are another popular option, such as steel or nickel. Glass is also available in these furnishings, although it is more common as an architectural element.

Use neutral colors as a base. Then contrast it with the color of your liking in the furniture. Remember that white and black combine with everything.

We will decorate with only what is necessary

Home-Remodel-by-Bodagger-Builders How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Bodagger Builders

An important aspect of the contemporary homes is that, beyond the necessary furniture for the room, the decor is kept to a minimum. It only fulfills a function of accentuating the elements already present.

Finding contemporary decoration is relatively easy since its features are clear in form and construction. Basically, any piece that is of neutral color or was built in wood or metal will be a good decoration.

Modern house decor uses many sculptures and floor lamps. Another alternative is with small tables, but all very limited in quantity and size.

The result is a room with lots of space, an almost unique feature of contemporary style. Our environment acquires true importance through minimalism.

The contemporary floor has multiple options

Soft-Contemporary-Home-by-RS-Design-Studio How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: RS Design Studio

The smooth finishes without cuts in the floor are achieved with the use of materials that leave almost no space. Wood, vinyl and large tiles are some examples.

The use of carpet is not totally discarded since it is possible to use it in cold weather or to control the sound. However, try to install those of professional degree.

Traditional patterns are enemies of the simple

Contemporary-Home-by-Patrick-Widing-Custom-Homes How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Patrick Widing Custom Homes

The contemporary movement seeks to dissociate itself from the classical style. This includes not using recognizable patterns at a glance, as they are very common.

Contemporary colors, like light browns or pastel greens, require a contrasting pattern so as not to create a boring room, and the best choice is a set of random shapes with a certain order.

Everything that is sufficiently abstract to not be recognizable by visitors will work, so you should avoid floral designs, polka dots or anything that is generally overloaded.

Fabrics with natural patterns are ideal for contrasting

Contemporary-Costal-Home-by-Elizabeth-Swartz-Interiors How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Elizabeth Swartz Interiors

If we are going to use a piece of fabric in our decoration, try to use a natural one, avoiding everything synthetic like plastic. Leather, silk, wool, cotton, and linen are popular choices because they retain their natural texture even after being shaped in cushions.

In the lamps section, the best is the metal

Stamford-Kitchen-by-Hugh-Jefferson-Randolph-Architects How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Hugh Jefferson Randolph Architects

Perhaps it is because, of all the options, the metal is the cleanest material, but the truth is that in contemporary homes you will not see lamps manufactured in other materials.

Avoid painted wood or ceramics, as the finish is not even close to chrome or steel. Also, opts for straight, rigid designs.

The kitchen will be worthy of any industry

Northwest-Contemporary-Home-by-Contract-Furnishings-Mart1 How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Contract Furnishings Mart

Following the order of metallic finishes, all large appliances must maintain the industrial style. Industrial devices are characterized by being merely functional, eliminating all traces of unnecessary details.

The most important example is the kitchen, where, from the oven to the refrigerator, everything should be made of stainless steel and with a polished finish.

Similarly, the cabinets should be simple, without any pattern like those that are carved on wooden doors.

Other important elements of the contemporary style

Wahroonga-Home-by-Adam-Scougall-Design How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Adam Scougall Design

Next, we leave you a list with other important details of the contemporary homes.

First, remember that the use of natural materials is extremely important. If we want to lighten the weight of a room, the use of fabrics is essential, especially in the windows. We can add architectural elements in materials such as metal, stone or glass.

Second, we must remember that easily recognizable patterns and garish colors should be avoided. Its use goes against maintaining a simple style. Limit the prints to two tones, and make the texture more important than the pattern it has drawn.

Third, remember to add that natural touch with the use of plants. Focus on large ones. Using many small plants will only overload our home unnecessarily. If we can use an imposing plant, consider installing lights around it to make it stand out.

Lighting is our most contemporary ally

Parade-of-Homes-House-by-Robin-Bond-Interiors How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: Robin Bond Interiors

After the search of the physical elements that will make up our modern home interior, we just need to give it a little bit of help to stand out.

We will give this push through enlightenment. Our rooms should overflow light, especially natural light.

Contemporary constructions have adopted the use of many large windows, which, among other things, allows conserving space by not needing to install so many lamps. Whenever we can have a clear window, we must keep it.

If unfortunately, at the end of your search, you cannot generate enough natural light, then follow these additional tips and options:

Ambient light: this light is our background and the one that stands out the most, hence why many know it as general lighting. This will not hinder us the step due to its installation. Examples of these are wall-mounted fixtures or track lighting.

Light to accentuate: this light, as you can infer from the name, works to highlight important elements of the home, such as artworks, architectural elements, plants, or anything else worthy of being a focal point. Again, wall-mounted fixtures and track Lighting are ideal options, although we can vary a bit with the use of dimmers.

Lights for tasks: these exist solely for the purpose of providing support at specific times. Desk lamps are an example of lights that we need to complete a task.

In the best of cases, and obviously ignoring that we could not use natural lighting to our liking, we should add to add at least one light of each type.

A style that is difficult to understand but that motivates many people

Classic-Cottage-by-MAC-Custom-Homes How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check outImage source: MAC Custom Homes

The contemporary style is a combination of the best elements of the architectural styles of the last century that seek to create an important space in modern times. The difference is that this has not stagnated and continues to evolve, so we can use it without fear that at some point in the near future, it will be totally displaced.

Study carefully the points we mentioned in this article so you can see how you too can master this special trend of our century.

If you enjoyed reading this article about Contemporary Homes, you should read these as well:

The post How to decorate contemporary homes: Ideas you should check out appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


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