Friday, July 31, 2020

How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

Spring is a season flooding with symbolism. It is a transitional time of year when everything starts a state of renovation. Renovating your kitchen is an excellent start of the season. You can change as little as a kitchen island and still add a fresh design to your kitchen. We’ve compiled these 17 ideas on how to build a kitchen island.

These tutorials can help you save both time and money. So check them out and decide on your next design.

How to build a kitchen island – ideas to try

Make-It-Yourself Kitchen Island

Make-It-Yourself-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This easy to make kitchen island tutorial is perfect if you want to refresh your kitchen immediately. It experienced several makeovers, the most recent one being this lovely powder blue paint upgrade. It’s easy to make and even easier to use. With a simple Youtube tutorial on how to build a kitchen island, you’ll make this one in no time.

Compact Woodwork Kitchen Island Table

Compact-Woodwork-Kitchen-Island-Table How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This is a compact, minuscule kitchen island. It is well built and harmonious. It is distinct for its use of wood columns and ornamental molding around the edges.

It’s perfect if you strive for something old-looking yet fresh. Just like all DIY kitchen islands, this one is also simple to make.

Old Paint Design’s Plan For Kitchen Islands

Old-Paint-Designs-Plan-For-Kitchen-Islands How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

If you’re wondering how to build a kitchen island, then ask no more. Here is a plan from Old Paint Builds, which demonstrates how to makeover your shelves and cabinets for less than $100. It is both easy and cheap! This plan includes instructions such as building directions, a shopping list, and even color diagrams and photos.

Patterned Top Kitchen Island

Patterned-Top-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

Built with pallets, this kitchen island will guarantee to show you how to build a kitchen island. What’s great about this kitchen island is that it comes with a unique pattern top. They will break the dullness in your kitchen and add a new flavor.

DIY Bookshelf Island

DIY-Bookshelf-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

Have you ever thought about turning your old bookshelf into a kitchen island? With this easy tutorial, you can find out how to build a kitchen island cabinet from scratch.

Transform an old bookshelf into a helpful kitchen island with this easy tutorial. This narrow little island is perfect for anyone with a small kitchen.

Small Rustic Kitchen Island

Small-Rustic-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

If you want something perfect for your small kitchen, this roll-away kitchen island might be a great idea. It is portable, and it easily rolls out when you need it. It uses casters and plans materials and instructions. This idea is an excellent start for the new season.

Kitchen Island Table

Kitchen-Island-Table How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

A rustic décor will add a nice touch to your modern kitchen, from rough stones to crates and shipping pallets. It’s perfect if you are into crafting and DIY projects. Instead of throwing away your cabinet – you can use it to turn it into an elegant one. Build it in no time and enjoy your new kitchen.

From A Door To A Kitchen Island

From-A-Door-To-A-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

Unique designs come from unique thoughts. Who would’ve thought that you can turn a door into a table? With a simple tutorial on how to build a kitchen island, you can reuse almost any door for this project. It’s long and has a full, delicate surface- perfect for a family-sized tabletop. This new look will give you an excuse to gather your family and enjoy some time together.

Modern Ikea Kitchen Island

Modern-Ikea-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This site offers a detailed building plan for your next kitchen island. Not only you’ll have more space, but you’ll add a minimalistic feel to it. This look is modern, fresh, and pristine. With this makeover, you’re one step closer to a more organized kitchen.

Retro Kitchen Island

Retro-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This is a set of guidelines meant to demonstrate how to build a kitchen island. Once you finish following these instructions, you’ll have a charming new island. Not only is it pretty, but it’s also very functional. It comes with a cutting board made from a sliding shelf – something many old desks have. You can build it alone, or with your significant other. Either way, it will be both a productive and fulfilling heart project.

Ikea Kitchen Island

Ikea-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

Many people make a lot of mistakes that ruin the appearance and functionality of a kitchen. Often they choose a matching cabinet set, thinking it will make the kitchen look more harmonious. However, these sets can be quite expensive to purchase.

What they don’t know is that you don’t need all that to design a kitchen.  Different cabinet designs can break the monotony in the kitchen, and make it a more enjoyable place. This kitchen island is an outstanding example of this. It is built from wooden shelves and aluminum rails – it’s cheap yet effective.

Built-in Trash Storage Island

Built-in-Trash-Storage-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This island not only comes with a featured seating, hooks for kitchen towels and oven mitts, but it has a complete built-in trash can. It is excellent for outdoor kitchens where you can hide and pull out your trashcan. It’s perfect for family evenings and friend gatherings.

Small Kitchen Cart

Small-Kitchen-Cart-1 How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This is a free plan for a kitchen cart. It will double nicely as both a kitchen and grill island. It offers much more flexibility since its portable. This plan also comes with a list of materials, tools, and instructions – all of which are free.

Money-free DIY Kitchen Island

Money-free-DIY-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This is a pottery barn inspired kitchen island. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars for a store-bought one – you can just make it yourself. This tutorial offers step-by-step instructions to create a kitchen island.

Ikea Farmhouse Kitchen Island

Ikea-Farmhouse-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

Here’s a homemade kitchen island that doubles as both bar seating and a table. It has a spacious surface and additional kitchen storage in the cabinets. It goes perfect with a two-tone color combination – great for adding a subtle contrast in your kitchen.

How To Make Stock Cabinets

How-To-Make-Stock-Cabinets How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

This plan comes with a set of video instructions, necessary tools and materials, and a PDF file with detailed diagrams. You can quickly build this square kitchen island and enjoy your summer without worries.

Homemade Legs For Your Kitchen Island

Homemade-Legs-For-Your-Kitchen-Island How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans)

You can add a bit of character to your kitchen by dressing up your kitchen island with a leg. Such island cabinets vary in size, shape, and thickness. They are an excellent way to spice up any kitchen. However, make sure to match them with the style of your kitchen. The wrong design can be irritable and look tasteless and cheap.

Ending thoughts on how to build a kitchen island

With ever so changing styles and trends, updating your kitchen is always a great idea. You can replace your kitchen appliances and decorations, or your kitchen islands. If you hate spending money, then changing your kitchen island is both cheap and fun to do. With these 17 simple DIY tutorials, you can now improve your kitchen atmosphere and add flavor. Hurry up and season your kitchen in no time.

If you enjoyed reading this article about how to build a kitchen island, you should read these as well:

The post How to build a kitchen island (17 DIY kitchen island plans) appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

Although metal is an extremely durable material, it does have one major weakness: rust. Steel tools require constant use to avoid suffering irreparable damage from this chemical process, or at least, periodic maintenance. The problem is that many times we realize this when it is too late and a large brown stain is slowly eating away at the metal. However, as long as there is no physical damage on the steel, the rust can be removed. In the article below, you will learn how to remove rust from tools to extend their useful life.

Oxide is a natural process that occurs on some metals when they are exposed to moisture and oxygen for a long time. This manifests itself in corroded layers of brown color as if it were a fungus.

rusted-tools How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

Like a parasite, the oxide will penetrate the metal structure until it cracks or disintegrates. However, the presence of rust on its own is not enough to damage a metal tool. It must take a long time for this to happen, so even when you see rust on the tools, you can still clean them.

Removing rust from tools is a time-consuming task, so you shouldn’t despair if some methods don’t work.

How to remove rust from tools with physical methods

soak-tools How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

There are multiple ways you can remove rust from steel using some brute force and literally scraping it off the surface. Sometimes these options are not enough to remove the rust, but it never hurts to try to remove the thickest layers before working on internal damage.

Before you start sanding and scraping, the first thing to do is clean the tool with soap and water. In a large container where you can immerse your tools, prepare a mixture of hot water with degreasing detergent.

Put the tool in the water, and using a sponge, try to remove as much grease and oil as you can. When finished, rinse the tool with clean water and dry it using a clean cloth. Leaving moisture on the steel could cause more rust in the future.

abrasve-pad How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

The next step for cleaning rusty tools is to remove the rust using an abrasive pad. The type of pad you use will depend on the severity of the rust you want to clean. For thinly layered surfaces, using a steel sponge or sandpaper should be enough.

Always remember to start from the areas that are most affected by rust to take advantage of the abrasive pad’s hard bristles. Then, proceed to clean the thin layers.

wire-with-drill How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

In case the rust has not come out, you will proceed to use the final resource: a drill combined with a wire wheel. You will polish the tool until the rust comes out completely.

To avoid disc wear, you will need to moisten the tool with a coat of kerosene. You will have to wait for it to dry a little so that there are no accidents when polishing.

kerosene How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

This rust remover tool will leave a rustic finish on the steel surface, which can be smoothed using fine-grit sandpaper. This sanding process will also work to remove any rust’s remnants.

Now all you have to do is clean the tool with water. Remember to dry it to prevent rust from reappearing.

How to remove rust from tools with vinegar and salt

vinegar1 How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

In case the physical method has not worked, it is time to use the chemical options for cleaning rusty tools.

For deep cleaning, you may need to take apart the tools. As with the physical method, the first thing you have to do is wash the different steel pieces with hot water and degreasing detergent.

Vinegar combined with salt will slowly clean rust off tools. For this, you will have to leave them immersed in a vinegar bath in a container for approximately 2 or 3 days.

To make the mixture, you will need to pour ¼ cup of salt for every liter of white vinegar. You must pour the salt evenly, or stir the vinegar after you pour the salt so that it spreads.

metal-sponge How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

After 24 hours, you should see the thicker rust begin to come off the tools. The thinner parts probably won’t go away, but thanks to the salt and vinegar, they can now be easily removed.

Now, proceed to carefully remove the tools from the vinegar and salt mixture; gloves are recommended if you are going to do it with your hands. It is time to remove the most difficult residues using a metallic sponge.

To get all the rust off tools, you will need to clean vigorously, as rust tends to appear in grains and streaks on the steel.

cleaned How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

The next step to clean rusty tools is to wipe off the excess vinegar with absorbent towels. If you want your tools to regain their original shine, it is best to apply a coat of lubricating oil after they are completely dry, which will act as a protective barrier against rust.

Lemons are an alternative

lemon-juice How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

If you don’t have vinegar or don’t want to spend it, you can replace it with lemon juice. Sure, you’ll need a lot of lemon juice, but citric acid will work perfectly for this project. You can also use lemon juice to clean tools in general; you just have to remember to dry them at the end.

The only difference from the process is that, at the end of the lemon soak, you must apply a layer of baking soda to the steel to neutralize the juice’s acidic effect, or you will not be able to lubricate the tool.

Use baking soda for small jobs

baking-soda How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

When the rust stains are not very large, or you just want to do routine maintenance, you can use baking soda on the steel.

Don’t know how to remove rust from tools using this cooking powder? Well, it is very easy! You have to prepare a pasta with it. Mix water with baking soda in a bowl until you get a pasty and liquid compound.

Put some of the paste on the affected areas, and let it sit for a couple of hours or overnight. The bicarbonate’s corrosive effect should loosen the rust so that it is easy to remove it with a brush. Pour clean water to remove debris and dry the tool.

Use rust converter for professional finishes

rust-converter How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

You can skip all homemade solutions and go straight to using a specialized rust neutralizer. Any neutralizer will work to clean your tool, and you won’t need to spend hours removing the thickest layers of rust.

The only defect these converters have is that their abrasive action will leave a rustic texture on the steel. This can be a problem if you want to paint the tool later as you will need to apply a primer coat that works as a base for the paint to adhere to.

Steel that is badly damaged by rust is prone to melting if a rust converter is applied, so be careful.

When all else fails, use oxalic acid

oxalic-acid-1 How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

This is another commercial alternative, but it is much more dangerous and strong than the previous one. Oxalic acid will remove any type of rust regardless of its severity.

Before applying, you should be prepared with safety equipment such as goggles and rubber gloves. Also, to avoid poisoning, use the acid in an area with enough ventilation.

Clean your tools with anti-grease soap and water, and dry them. Now, into a large container with enough space for your tools, pour in a gallon of water and three tablespoons of the oxalic acid. Carefully stir the mixture so that the acid dissolves.

oxalic-acid How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

Put the tools in the mixture for 20 minutes. Remove them from the container, rinse them with plenty of water, and dry them. They should no longer have rust stains.

A deep cleaning by electrolysis

electrolysis How to remove rust from tools in an easy way

If there is something that rust cannot bear, it is an electric shock when submerged in water. The process, known as electrolysis, breaks down the rust completely and without you having to actively participate in the cleaning.

To do this, you will need a container that you can fill with water, an iron bar that you don’t need (you will lose it), a battery charger, and washing soda.

If you want to know how to remove rust from tools using this process, we recommend you carefully review the tutorials that we leave below.

It is best to avoid rust

Whether you’ve just cleaned your tools, or they’re new, the best you can do is prevent rust from appearing on the steel. Although you can clean them multiple times, at some point the metal will not withstand the rust’s effects, irreparably damaging it.

There are three basic tips you should apply to prevent rust from appearing on the steel.

  • Avoid humidity: the first cause of rust on tools is humidity. Placing a stone or moisture-wicking gel pack close to where they are stored will dramatically reduce the chances of rust.
  • Water is the worst enemy: steel is not waterproof. If they get wet, dry them as fast as you can.
  • Apply a layer against rust: butcher wax is an ideal lubricant to prevent the appearance of rust. Some oils offer a similar result. Just cover your tool with the compound you buy to create a protective barrier.

If you enjoyed reading this article about how to remove rust from tools, you should read these as well:

The post How to remove rust from tools in an easy way appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)

If you are planning to build your own home, you may not think too much about the ceilings. Whilst the ceiling height may not be the key element in room design, it can have a major effect on the feel of a house. It may even dictate what you can do with other parts of the design and it could impact on your complying with building regulations.

‘What is the standard ceiling height for a home? How many feet in a story?’ you might ask.  On the ground floor, in the mid-twentieth century, an 8 foot ceiling was the norm. These days 9 foot is considered ‘standard’ but many people go higher as everyone looks for that feeling of space and light. 12 foot ceilings are not uncommon in modern houses.

On the upper floors, 8 ft ceilings are generally what you will find in most houses. Downstairs, in the living areas, is where you will appreciate that extra height. It will also help when you come to sell the house as every foot will add to the appeal of your home.

In the rest of the article, we will talk a little about the history of the average ceiling height. We will also discuss styles of ceilings and the pros and cons of higher ceilings.

Modern ceiling heights

A-Room-in-the-trees-by-Jim-Bell-Architectural-Design-Inc. What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)
Image source: Jim Bell Architectural Design Inc.

What is considered as the standard ceiling height for a home has changed over time. People now want luxurious houses with high ceilings to create light, functional spaces. In the past, the average ceiling height was driven by several factors:

  1. Timber is generally cut to eight feet (2.44 metres) lengths so an eight foot ceiling height was an efficient use of materials.
  2. Housebuilders in the early part of the 20th Century used a ‘balloon frame’. In this system, the frame went from ground level to the roof. Nowadays, they use a ‘platform frame’ where every floor is a separate box placed on top of the previous story. This means that it is far easier to have different ceiling heights at each level.
  3. The troubles in the Middle East during the 1970’s and 1980’s led to an embargo on oil imports into the US. This made energy-efficient buildings with lower ceilings more attractive.

Half-Moon-by-J-Sullivan-Construction What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: J Sullivan Construction

It is also true that people were a little shorter in times gone by and they did less entertaining. The modern home has become much more of an extension of our personalities and, with more of us working from home after the Corona virus crisis, having a beautiful, accommodating home will become even more important.

What is the standard ceiling height these days?  How many feet is a story? A good architect will tell you that nine feet is the minimum ceiling height but richer clients want ten or even twelve feet high ceilings – they do not care about energy or construction costs. It is often only building regulations that determine the maximum ceiling heights with total building height being a factor in zoned building regulations.

If you are planning a new house-build, nine-feet ceilings have almost become standard. Many top-end builders have nine-feet ceilings built into their costings, but it pays to check! Always make sure that your preferred ceiling heights are specified in the building contract. Always make sure that any additional costs are clear.

Ceiling heights for different architectural styles

Three-dimensional coffered ceilings

A-Vision-in-White-by-Steven-Cabinets What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Steven Cabinets

Coffered ceilings have profiles that add architectural interest. They do reduce height and are best used in conjunction with a high ceiling. Using coffers in anything less than nine feet ceilings will feel claustrophobic. The deeper the coffers, the higher the ceiling should be to avoid overpowering the room.

Tray ceilings

Park-Hill-Renovation-by-Lowery-Design-Group What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Lowery Design Group

Using a tray, inverted or recessed ceiling has the same effect as coffering. It draws the eye upwards and adds architectural interest with its 3-D effect.

Sloped ceilings

Slop-ceiling-design-by-Intact-kitchen-designs What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Intact kitchen designs

Sloped ceilings follow the line of the roof (think attics of houses with pitched roofs). They are increasingly found in living areas as well as bathrooms and bedrooms. Higher ceilings make it easier to meet building regulations. Typically, the lowest point in a sloped ceiling will be seven feet rising to a height of ten feet. Over half of the ceiling should be above seven feet high but check your local regulations to be sure.

Luxury ceilings

Vineyard-Farmhouse-by-Michelle-Thomas-Design What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Michelle Thomas Design

Ceiling heights above twelve feet are dramatic in old or new buildings. They open-up the building, exposing the elemental beams of the structure. They can draw light into the rooms below and they lift the spirits with their scale and drama. Often, they are found in entrance areas to make a big first impression on visitors – they set the scene for the rest of the house.

Luxury ceilings come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common high ceilings are:

Cathedral ceilings

Healdsburg-Residence-by-Nick-Noyes-Architecture What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Nick Noyes Architecture

These generally follow the roof lines to an apex as seen in the aisles of cathedrals.

Vaulted ceilings

  • Barrel vault ceiling

Gaywood-Dallas-Residence-by-L.-Lumpkins-Architect-Inc. What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: L. Lumpkins Architect, Inc.

These are like the cathedral ceiling described above but they come to an arch rather than a point.

  • Groin vault ceiling

Park-Lane-by-Bella-Custom-Homes-Inc. What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Bella Custom Homes, Inc.

A groin vault ceiling is two barrel vault ceilings set at 90 degrees to each other. This style is seen in many churches throughout the World.

  • Cloister vault ceiling

Hidden-Falls-Two-Story-Cypress-TX-by-Morning-Star-Builders-LTD What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Morning Star Builders LTD

The cloister vault ceiling consists of a dome rising from a square base to a central high point. The Oyster Bar at the Grand Central Station in New York uses a series of cloister vault ceilings to magnificent effect.

Positive and negative impacts of higher ceilings

Positives – higher ceilings:

MCLEAN-by-celia-welch-interiors What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: celia welch interiors

  • Increase the feeling of light and space
  • Add drama and interest
  • Allow greater flexibility with architectural designs such as coffered ceilings
  • Increase natural light
  • Show the world that you are successful and wealthy
  • Add to the value of your property when you come to sell it

Negatives – higher ceilings

Parade-Home-by-Pillar-Custom-Homes-Inc. What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered)Image source: Pillar Custom Homes, Inc.

  • Lead to noisier rooms – you need to think about the materials in the rooms to prevent echoing spaces
  • Result in increased energy bills – you will need to insulate more or be prepared for higher running costs
  • Are more expensive to build
  • Are more difficult to keep clean and decorated

Ending thoughts on what is the standard ceiling height?

Ceiling heights are crucial in making design decisions about your home. If you want great living spaces, you need to understand this. Make sure ceiling heights are specified in your building contract. Today, nine feet is considered as ‘standard’.

Increase ceiling height to add grandeur, provide an airy feeling and increase light. Lower ceiling heights to make rooms welcoming and warm. Think about ceiling styles as well – they can add so much interest and you have more options with higher than standard height ceilings. Always take into consideration the fact that higher ceilings with more interesting architectural details will need more maintenance.

When designing ceiling heights, do not forget the basics:

  1. You need adequate ventilation.
  2. You need the right amount of natural light.
  3. You need to meet building regulations.
  4. You must build within your budgetary constraints.

If you enjoyed reading this article about what is the standard ceiling height, you should read these as well:

The post What is the standard ceiling height for a home? (Answered) appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How to remove spray paint from skin easily

To get the best finishes when painting, there is nothing like using spray paint. It uniformly distributes the paint throughout the surface and does not saturate any space. Even a novice can use spray paint to decorate crafts or touch up walls. The problem is that, unlike brushes, the spray can dirty the work area very easily if you are not careful, and removing it can be a headache. In case it is too late and you have stained your body, you may need to know how to remove spray paint from skin.

Removing paint from a surface will depend on its composition. Some paints are easily removable with soap and water, but others are made to be resistant, so the use of a solvent may be necessary.

The point is, if the stain falls on your skin, you can’t use dangerous abrasives that will end up irritating or burning you. To safely remove spray paint, try one of the following methods.

How to remove spray paint from skin with water and soap

skin-paint How to remove spray paint from skin easily

Although it is very strange, some spray paints are water-based. This one is much easier to remove than its oil-based counterpart, making it not as reliable to paint.

Like all paint, it will be easier to remove from your skin while it is wet, so as soon as you feel a drop, try to remove it using a cloth or water.

wash-hands How to remove spray paint from skin easily

In case you’re having trouble removing spray paint from skin, try washing in warm or hot water mixed with liquid dishwashing detergent.

The secret to removing paint is to be consistent when rubbing. It may take up to 2 minutes to remove all paint from the skin. Rub the entire stained area vigorously, and you can even use a rag to help yourself.

Now you should know how to remove spray paint when it has already dried. Hot water and soap will not be enough to remove the paint, so you will need to get an instrument with which you can rub your skin to break the stain.

rub How to remove spray paint from skin easily

Sponges, toothbrushes, and dishwashing pads offer a porous, uneven surface that helps separate paint from skin, and you don’t have to apply a lot of force to be effective, so you shouldn’t get hurt.

Paint can be even more brittle if you cover the stain with a mild abrasive, such as salt. If you decide to use hot water, do not put your hands directly into the container. Instead, moisten the brush or sponge and rub it on your skin. As an added trick, know that steam from hot water can loosen the paint.

How to remove spray paint from skin with oil

coconut-oil How to remove spray paint from skin easily

When the paint doesn’t come off with soap and water, it’s time to try other compounds that can also soften it to remove it. This is where cooking oil enters. The only thing to consider is that the oil will behave similarly to alcohol on wounds, causing great burning if it touches them.

Fractionated coconut oil and lemon oil have diluting properties that more resistant paints cannot bear. In case you don’t have these oils, you can replace the mixture with olive oil and baking soda; you should get a similar result.

The secret lies in lemon oil. This has limonene, a component that is used for the manufacture of other cleaning products. Due to its effectiveness, you only need to apply a couple of drops of both oils to remove spray paint from the skin. Cover the entire stain and then start rubbing with a sponge for best results.

If the paint doesn’t come off, try a harder instrument, like a toothbrush. This will also serve to clean difficult areas, such as nails.

tooth-brush How to remove spray paint from skin easily

Another oil that may work is mineral oil, but in this case, you should not combine it with another compound. This is much more effective against paint stains on its own. However, it does not act immediately, so you should let it sit for up to 5 minutes on the stained surface.

When the time has passed, rub the stain with your hand or a cloth to remove the paint. No matter which oil you select, remember to wash it off with plenty of water at the end.

Dry paint tends to dry out the skin, so you have the option at the end of applying a moisturizing lotion to restore the skin’s natural appearance.

Alcohol is the universal solvent

alchocol1 How to remove spray paint from skin easily

There is nothing that alcohol cannot remove. In addition to disinfecting the area, the alcohol will easily dilute any paint. Using a small cotton ball, apply a little alcohol to the stain and rub until it disappears.

There is no need to wash with water after applying alcohol, but it is recommended to do so. Similarly, a moisturizing lotion can be applied upon completion.

How to get spray paint off skin using nail polish remover

nailpolish-remov-er How to remove spray paint from skin easily

The nail polish remover will serve to remove any paint, whether water or oil-based. However, the compound is somewhat strong, so you will want to apply only a few drops to the stain you want to clean.

It is also not recommended to smell it for a long time, so it should be washed with soap and water afterward.

Clean stains on any area with non-stick cooking spray

cooking-oil How to remove spray paint from skin easily

If the spray stain you want to remove is not on your skin, you can count on a non-stick cooking spray to remove them.

A single application of this spray should soften the paint to the point where it is easy to remove it with soap and water.

Protect your skin with baby wipes

baby-wipes How to remove spray paint from skin easily

Softer paints can be removed using disposable baby wipes. These include their own cleaner, so you should only rub them on the areas affected by the paint, be it your skin or a wall.

Also, they have the benefit of leaving a pleasant smell when cleaning, and after using them, you only have to throw them away.

How to remove spray paint from skin using a moisturizing lotion

lotion How to remove spray paint from skin easily

There is the possibility of removing a spray paint stain from the skin using a moisturizing lotion. The problem is that this is not a very effective way, so you will need a lot of patience to apply it.

If it’s not an effective trick, why would you want to apply it? The answer is simple: the moisturizing lotion will not dry out your skin.

When all else fails, use paint wipes

paint-wipes How to remove spray paint from skin easily

Of course, there is a professional alternative to remove paint stains, but it is rarely necessary to go to this extreme. However, you should know that with paint wipes you can effectively remove the toughest paint.

These are very similar to baby wipes, but the formula they use to moisten them is specially made to remove grease, oils, and paints. Also, these wipes’ texture is more rustic, allowing scratching the stains.

Don’t be afraid to get dirty

Now that you know how to remove spray paint from skin, don’t be afraid to get dirty. It is very difficult to prevent the spray from splashing a few paint drops where you do not want, but this is not the end of the world. When it comes to skin, removing paint is very easy and inexpensive.

It is always advisable to work using protective equipment that can get dirty, but if you cannot, don’t worry too much, you should only clean yourself when you finish.

If you enjoyed reading this article about how to remove spray paint from skin, you should read these as well:

The post How to remove spray paint from skin easily appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Monday, July 27, 2020

How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchen

The kitchen is a blank canvas when it comes to decoration. Almost everything is valid within them to create unique and comfortable environments. Beyond requiring certain fundamental appliances, the rest of the kitchen can be customized. Placing center islands, large chrome exhaust fans, finely carved or metal-enclosed cabinets, and many other things can create an ideal environment. Today we will tell you about a trend that many modern kitchens are adopting: the waterfall countertop.

As its name suggests, waterfall countertops mimic the appearance of a river that flows into a large waterfall. To simulate this continuity, the top of the table is folded on the side until it touches the floor. Some designs even use the waterfall as support.

Because its primary utility remains that of a table, it must be sturdy. That is why its construction is in the vast majority of cases in stone. If your kitchen already has countertops with granite, marble, or the like, then the installation of this type of countertop is recommended.

The main attraction of this countertop over a traditional style is the sense of continuity it offers. Modern designs seek to create interrelated spaces, which makes the occupants of the houses feel more comfortable with their surroundings. After all, this style tries to imitate nature and its organic design.

Price to install a waterfall countertop

Urban-Modern-by-Poet-Interiors How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchen
Image source: Poet Interiors

Acquiring a large piece of stone and assembling it is not economical, which is why most countertops tend to use the traditional style. Luckily, there are cheaper alternatives, you just have to know how to select the materials.

The most common options, such as granite, quartz, and marble, can be priced between $135 and $220 per square foot, including both material purchase and installation. Although this may not seem like much because the countertop is not that large, the problem is that assembling it is expensive due to the necessary equipment.

To build the countertop, it is necessary to fit two pieces of stone, and for this to be possible, the corners must be cut at 45-degree angles. The only way to cut the stone with this precision is by using a computer numerical control laser cutter. Although the process seems easy, it can cost up to $2,000 depending on who does it.

Cambria-Iowa-by-Cambria How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Cambria

Of course, it is possible to reduce this price if the material for the waterfall countertop island is not stone. A cheaper alternative is wood, and some types have exceptional finishes. For a counter that is 0.90 x 1.52 meters, prices could vary between $150 and $300 depending on the wood. Also, since it is a basic material, you could even save on installation costs if you have the tools to do it yourself.

A substitute for stone is cement. Creating a waterfall countertop island with concrete is like building a wall: you assemble a wooden formwork with the desired shape, and then pour the concrete into it. Using the same dimensions as the previous example, the price to build this countertop should not exceed $250.

What is the best material?

INDUSTRIAL-FRENCH-by-Kitchen-Society-Design How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Kitchen Society Design

There is no single correct answer to determine what material you should use in your countertop. They all work, so in the end, it is a choice that takes into account the kitchen’s design and the cost.

As we mentioned before, most kitchens have stone as the material to cover the shelves, so it is recommended to keep it in the waterfall countertop so as not to distort the kitchen’s appearance. The most popular are quartz, granite, and marble.

Thanks to the new popularity that these kitchen islands have gained, wood, concrete, and steel have also managed to stand out in the market, especially when it comes to economic options.

Coating stones

Cedarview-Residence-by-Root-Architecture How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Root Architecture

  • Marble: the most expensive option in the list, and also one of the most beautiful thanks to its patterns. Its formation comes from limestone, which is heated and subjected to high pressures, which gives it a shiny and slightly porous finish. Marble can change slightly in designs and colors thanks to the combination of other minerals, such as graphite, quartz, or clay, so not all presentations are the same.

6cm-Fusion-Granite-Kitchen-Island-mirrored-6cm-Mitred-edge-and-waterfall-edge-by-YK-Stone-Center-Inc. How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: YK Stone Center Inc

  • Granite: Those looking for a more rustic appearance will find a fascinating design in granite. This stone also has varied designs depending on the combination of minerals, but mica, feldspar, and quartz are required for its basic formation. Everything compressed creates a pattern full of small spots.

Waterfall-Countertops-featuring-uQuartz-Collection-by-UNIVERSAL-GRANITE-MARBLE How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: UNIVERSAL GRANITE & MARBLE

  • Quartz: one of the most abundant materials in the world is also one of the most resistant stones to build kitchens. The quartz pattern is much more delicate, hardly showing stains that contrast with its natural tone, and it is not as bright as other options, but thanks to the neutral color it has, it can be combined with any kitchen.

Equally eye-catching alternatives

The-Saxony-by-Sarah-Tombaugh-Architect How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Sarah Tombaugh Architect

  • Concrete: thanks to how easy it is to mold, concrete is becoming a very attractive option for those users who want to add variety to the countertop’s design. A simple and smooth design can achieve a minimalist appearance, but with more complex moldings, other styles can be imitated. Furthermore, it can be mixed with many additives to make it more resistant if necessary.

Bakes-Kropp-Bridgehampton-Driftwood-Dream-Kitchen-by-Bakes-Kropp-Fine-Cabinetry How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Bakes & Kropp Fine Cabinetry

  • Wood: you can achieve a traditional appearance with the use of wood to make your kitchen furniture. Since a large number of accessories are made from it, you will have no trouble combining it. Woodworking is much easier than other materials, so even a novice can try to build a waterfall countertop with it. Of course, to achieve a professional finish it is required experience.

River-House-Kitchen-by-Ziger-Snead-Architects How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Ziger|Snead Architects

  • Stainless steel: the most modern kitchens will benefit from a stainless steel counter. This has a futuristic appearance and can be worked in a single piece, which when heated can be easily folded.

The appeal of waterfall edge countertop

Costa-Mesa-Farmhouse-Contemporary-remodel-by-Christiano-Homes-Inc. How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Christiano Homes, Inc.

There are many reasons why you should consider installing a waterfall countertop. Visually, these create an interesting point in the kitchen due to the uniqueness of their shapes. Unlike traditional countertop, people are not accustomed to seeing a single piece that works as a table and support at the same time.

Storage space, outlets, and other facilities are always a problem in kitchens. These many times break with the environment’s scheme, causing a negative impact at the visual level. These aesthetic details can be hidden with the side panels. Similarly, since the stand is just as strong as the rest of the table, there is no chance of it being scratched or broken.

The kitchen, from the architectural point of view, has a direction that must be followed at all times, creating an orderly route in which people can carry out all the corresponding activities. The free spaces break this continuity, but with a waterfall countertop, it becomes less noticeable.

Colors for all tastes

Kitchen-by-Charlie-Co.-Design-Ltd How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Charlie & Co. Design, Ltd

When it comes to colors, there are several guides you can follow to create an ideal kitchen. You can choose to combine the countertop with the rest of the kitchen, creating a harmonious design, or you can break all the rules and use a contrasting color to make this table more daring. Here are some traditional ideas.

  • Perfect white: white in kitchens never fails. This color is clean, which will make the environment feel immaculate. Many stones combine perfectly with white. Best of all, most building materials for a countertop are smooth enough to be easily cleaned in case of stains, keeping the white color.
  • Sharpness with white and green: combined with a natural color like green, the previous option can become something more daring. Marble is the perfect companion in this duo.
  • Something calm with blue and white: blue is a cold and relaxing color, which makes kitchens feel more sophisticated and cozy. This combination is also perfect for metallic details.

The-New-American-Home-by-Phil-Kean-Design-Group How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Phil Kean Design Group

  • The elegance of the opposites: black and white are different, but there is no more harmonious mix. A few touches of white will serve to create highlights in this design. For example, the countertop can be a light color, while the rest of the construction comes into view because it is darker.
  • Just add the necessary details: you can design a kitchen that only introduces a couple of details in the form of satins so that the atmosphere is not so monotonous. The quartz is perfect for this job.
  • Maximum elegance: gold is a luxurious color, which will make your living room shine like white. This is the ideal color for those who want to highlight.

Hallmark-Residence-by-Jordan-Iverson-Signature-Homes How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Jordan Iverson Signature Homes

  • Conceals stains: with a black countertop, you will never have to worry about stains again. this color matches many accessories and can work for both mid-millennium gothic looks and modern styles.
  • Black with contrasts: in this case, the main color is black and it is contrasted with lighter tones so as not to create such a dark environment. The waterfall countertops found in bars tend to take advantage of this combination.

The best place to install a waterfall counter edge

Kukio-by-Nicholson How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchenImage source: Nicholson

Although this detail can be placed anywhere in the kitchen, it will always stand out much more if it is installed on the central island. This is because, unlike a side countertop, the island has four available sides on which the waterfall counter can be built.

However, you should not feel limited by this. In general, this construction detail will always look good.

As this design is currently in vogue, the number of options on the market are immense, and you may be able to find them under other more sophisticated names. For example, some designers call them work surface wrapped islands.

Enter the global trend with a waterfall countertop

An organic and continuous design, or something industrialized, modern, and with many corners. No matter the final design, the waterfall countertops will adapt perfectly to any environment.

If you want to renovate your kitchen, but don’t know how to get started, all you need to do is add a new side to your countertop or island. You will see how immediately your home becomes more sophisticated.

If you enjoyed reading this article about waterfall countertop, you should read these as well:

The post How to use a waterfall countertop to make an awesome kitchen appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.
