Monday, March 23, 2020

How to fix a leaky kitchen faucet quickly

One of the most common problems in kitchens nowadays are leaking faucets. It does matter what quality the faucet it, or what type of faucet you have, but you are still likely to encounter this problem at one point in your life. Luckily, it is very easy to fix it, and it only takes a few simple steps. Here, we will talk about how to fix a leaky kitchen faucet quickly and without any hassle.

Sometimes, faucets can leak because they are not installed properly, and that might be your fault or the fault of the person who installed it. In other cases, it is just the case of having an old and worn out faucet that will start leaking. If you have a leaky faucet, hang around and read on if you want to learn how to fix it.

Tips Before Starting

Before you start doing the fixes, there are a couple of things that you need to know about your faucet.

What is the Type of Your Faucet?

Faucets come in different shapes and sizes, and some perform differently than others. Some faucets also have different and specific components for their type, while others have a different way of installing them. To find out about your faucet type, remove the handle and observe. These are the most common types.

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Cartridge Faucet is a type of faucet that has a cartridge under the handle.

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Ball Faucet will have a ball under the handle.

Compression-Faucets How to fix a leaky kitchen faucet quickly

Compression Faucets have two handles, so determining this type of faucet is pretty easy.

Once you have determined the type of faucet, you will find it easier to perform the fix.

Find the Leak

end-of-the How to fix a leaky kitchen faucet quickly

Next, you will want to find out where exactly the faucet is leaking. Perhaps your faucet is leaking from the end of the spout, or it is leaking from its base. These types of leaks require different fixes, so investigate the source of the leak.

If the faucet is leaking from the end of the spout, it might indicate that one of the internal parts are damaged. If you see that the faucet is leaking at the base, then it might be the case of damaged seals around the body. Once you determine the source of the leak, knowing how to fix a leaky kitchen faucet is pretty simple.

Don’t Forget to Turn off the Valve!

close-the-valve How to fix a leaky kitchen faucet quickly

Surely, this step should be self-explanatory, but some people forget to turn off the valve, which can lead to a mess. You can do so very easily. Usually, the valves for the faucet are located right under the sink. In some cases, users don’t have valves under the sink, which means that you will have to shut down the main valve for the whole household.

Once you have turned off the valve, open the faucet and relieve the water pressure that built up in your faucet by opening the faucet in the center position. In addition, cover the sinkholes with baskets or rags to prevent small parts from falling into the drain.

How to Fix a Leaky Kitchen Faucet

For each type of faucet, there is a different fix, and we will go over each one individually. Let’s start off with ball faucets.

Fixing Ball Faucets

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The role of the ball underneath the handle is to control and regulate the water flow and the temperature of the water flowing through the faucet. The ball is attached to a socket, and is either made of brass or plastic. The first thing that you would want to do is to buy a repair kit if you don’t already own it. Ideally, this kit should contain the ball (stainless steel one, preferably), springs, seals, O-rings, and a small repair tool. Then, you can get started with the repair.


  • The first step is to take the faucet apart.

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  • Use an Allen wrench to remove the screw on the handle’s underside, and detach the handle. Don’t forget where you put the screw, as you will need it later.
  • With slip-joint pliers, loosen and lift the dome assembly, which will reveal the bonnet, the ball, and the cam. Next, remove the cam and the ball with needle-nose pliers. You will want to inspect the ball, and search for signs of wear-and-tear. If you notice any, you should replace the ball immediately.

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  • Remove O-rings and springs using a flat-head screwdriver. You will also want to replace the springs, but remember the way the springs were facing before you removed them. Use the springs within your repair kit, and place them instead of the old springs.
  • Observe the aerator for possible damage. If it appears damaged, you will need a new one. Removing it can be hard, though; you will want to use a towel.

ball-faucet How to fix a leaky kitchen faucet quickly

  • Take a look at the valve seats as well. If you think they are worn out, replace them with a screwdriver. These seats are designed to stop leaks from the end of the spout.
  • After you have removed all the parts, take some time to observe the interior of the valve. If you notice deteriorated gaskets or mineral deposits, remove them by cleaning the valve. Mineral deposits will be easily removed with vinegar.
  • Once you are done, put everything back into place in the same order.

Of course, the re-assembly needs to be done correctly to avoid any problems in the future. Remember the way you disassembled the faucet in the first place. So this is how to fix a leaky kitchen faucet for ball faucets.

Fixing Cartridge Faucets

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Cartridge faucets can be slightly more complicated to fix. That is because they tend to be more durable, and the installation is usually much more robust. They utilize O-rings and a retainer clip that regulates the water flow and temperatures. If you want to fix the faucet of this type, you might have to replace the clip, or the whole cartridge altogether.

Finding the parts is quite easy; in fact, they will be found in most stores that sell these types of appliances. The only thing to keep in mind is to choose the right replacement parts. For this reason, it might be a good idea to disassemble the faucet first, and then take the parts with you to the store to see if you buy the right one.

How to fix a leaky kitchen faucet with a cartridge.

  • First, remove the handle.
  • With a flat-head screwdriver, remove any decorative parts of the faucet.

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  • Next, you will see the retaining clip – take it out with pliers. The clip is of circular shape.
  • Then comes the cartridge. You can remove it from its place using pliers. Once you do so, place it on a rug, or protect it with tape. Note the orientation of the cartridge, so that you will be able to reinstall it later on. Also remove the old seat and the spring.
  • Take out the faucet spout using a wrench. You should be able to see O-rings now.
  • The O-rings tend to be the hardest to remove. You will probably need to cut them with a thin knife. Once you manage to remove them, place the new O-rings into place (grease them with Vaseline or plumber’s grease before for easier installation).

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  • Take a look at your cartridge. If it has a lot of damage and is in bad shape, then it is calling for a replacement.
  • Use the new cartridge and put it into place.
  • Replace and re-attach the retaining clip and sleeve.
  • Re-attach the handle and screw it.
  • Reassemble the handle.

Make some checks if you have installed the cartridge properly; check the water flow levels, and the temperatures to see if it works as it should. If hot water flows out when the faucet is turned to cold, rotate the cartridge for 180 degrees.

Fixing Compression Faucets

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Lastly, we have compression faucets. Here is how to fix a leaky kitchen faucet when it comes to compression faucets.

These use a washer, which is compressed by tightening the faucet handle, and it regulates the flow. Over time, this washer wears out, and it will eventually need to be replaced. It is usually cheaper than say, a cartridge, and relatively easy to fix.

  • Remove the decorative cap on the handle, remove the handle screw, and remove the handle. Unscrew the packing nut with a wrench.
  • Remove and replace the seat washer, which is held in place by a brass screw.

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  • Coat the washer with a plumber’s grease (non-toxic). Also, coat the new O-ring with the grease for easier installation.

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  • Reassemble the faucet, and tighten the packing nut. If the faucet still leaks, then you might need to grind smooth the valve seat with a valve-seat dresser.

If the problem persists, it might be the corrosion causing the problem, or worn-out seals. Other problems include loose parts and even broken plumbing. In some cases, you might need the help of a professional.

Ending thoughts on how to fix a leaky kitchen faucet

So there you have it, this is how to fix a leaky kitchen faucet. Fixing it is relatively easy if there is no significant damage. It takes some DIY practice, but anyone can get it done eventually. You can always consult a professional if you still can’t get it fixed on your own.

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The post How to fix a leaky kitchen faucet quickly appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


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