Saturday, September 21, 2019

Living room furniture ideas to create a stunning space

The living room in every home is one of the most important areas. Usually, this is where we have our guests, so it is essential that the decoration shine. Although the designs vary between constructions, usually what gives the space character are the furniture. That is why today we leave you with some living room furniture ideas that will help you to create that appearance that will leave all your visitors breathless.

The living room does not have a defined function since people can do what they want depending on how they decorate it.

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Image source: Jordan Iverson Signature Homes

Some only place the needed furniture to work as a receipt or hall, while others prefer to place different entertainment centers and spend the whole day on the sofa.

Because there is no unique style, we must make our living room cozy above all things. We have to be comfortable in it, and the best thing for that is to maintain a cohesive design.

Living room furniture ideas

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As we mentioned before, there is no particular way to create a living room. Everything will depend on the personal tastes of each owner. There are so many things to consider that it could become overwhelming. It is best to work with the furniture first, and then modify other elements if required.

The following living room furniture designs are a perfect way to start organizing our ideas. Also, we leave some practical advice to make the remodeling process easier.

Have the room measurements at hand

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Image source: Genevieve Hurley Interiors

The first step in any remodeling project, even one that only involves furniture, is to have the measurements of the room that we are going to change.

An easy way to write them down is in a grid. We will create a drawing of the living room on a scale, either by hand or on a computer. An easy way to work the scales is to convert everything that measures feet in inches into a 1:1 ratio. That is, if in real life the room measures 10 feet, in the plane we draw they will be reflected as 10 inches.

Thanks to this simple conversion process, we can easily modify the drawing. If we know the measures of the furniture that we are going to place, this will be a simple task. In the computer, it will be enough to digitally place some model of furniture that we want and copy it or move it at our will. By hand, we can use cut templates of furniture that fulfill the same function.

Select a focal point

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Image source: Dovetail Builders Inc.

Having a focal point is important in any design project. This will mark a path that we must follow so that everything remains within a logical order. The different living room furniture ideas teach us that this point can be anything, from a sofa to a wall.

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Image source: Staging Spaces and Design

A notable example is that of televisions. Although today with the flat screens a lot of flexibility has been gained, we must still keep in mind that these only offer us a viewing distance of approximately 10 feet within an angle that does not exceed 30 degrees, or else we will lose image quality.

Considering this, the chairs around the TV should give us a total view. We can also add a couple of additional chairs on the sides that do not serve to watch TV but to enclose the space and give it warmth.

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Image source: Texas Construction Company

If our focal point is a chimney, a semicircular formation will be more appropriate, since these sites are generally suitable for conversations.

If our room does not have any of these traditional meeting places, it is best to opt for a coffee table in the center, and around it install seats and sofas. With a couple of large sofas that face each other will be enough. Close the circle with simple chairs.

Ready the chairs, now come the tables

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Image source: REFINED LLC

We already have the places to sit prepared around our focal point. Now we must add other sets such as tables and different cabinets.

The main table should be approximately 18 inches from the sofa, so we can easily reach it and leave enough space to sit, although the recommended for areas where you will constantly walk are at least 30 inches.

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Image source: Urbanology Designs

In addition to coffee tables, we have sofa tables and cabinets. These can be perfectly placed on the back of the chair when we do not place it attached to the wall. Additionally, we have side tables or auxiliary tables, which are small in size, sometimes with a lower drawer, which support the sides of the sofa.

Larger drawers should preferably be located on the walls. This allows us to keep the space tidy and free. Also, electronic devices should be in specially designed furniture for them. Everything related to television has to be under it.

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Image source: Rockwood Cabinetry

In case of not having enough space for our furniture, we can always try to get furniture that folds when we do not need them, such as folding tables.

With enough space, we can install an Etager, which is nothing more than a large shelf with large glass doors (or without doors at all) where we can store objects that we want to display.

A final decorative option in the section of the tables are the bar carts. These are mobile and very practical, in addition to overflowing elegance.

Options to apply if we are looking for conversation

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Image source: JayJeffers

If we are looking for an interesting place to chat, we must install seats in front of each other. In the middle, you can place a coffee table that will support us for all the drinks and food we need.

Where do we place the lamps?

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Image source: JCD Custom Home Design

When it comes to the living rooms, our lamp alternatives are varied. A famous classic are floor lamps, which are located directly on the floor and extend a considerable height. Its location is always done on the sides of the sofa as a replacement for the side table.

Another option we have are table lamps. These are smaller, so we can place it on almost any surface. The only important thing is not to occupy the entire table so as not to monopolize the possible use it may have.

If we install lamps on the ceiling, such as chandeliers, our furniture should be placed around them to get the most out of the light. The sconces are not as demanding in their location, as they provide good light from almost any area. These also help us if we want to enhance a particular area.

Join the pieces with a carpet

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Image source: WETSTYLE

No living room furniture ideas would be ready without an element that joins all the furniture. In this case, a carpet is the easiest way to create a relationship between them. We must put it in the center (usually under the coffee table), and extend it to a little more where the chairs arrive.

In case the floor comes carpeted, what we can do is add a thicker one to create a contrast.

Create internal separations with the use of furniture

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Image source: Five Star Interiors

If our room is very large, we can always choose to create internal separations with the furniture to give it specific uses. For example, we can add a large table to eat and at another far end locate a sofa where conversations will occur.

When we lack space

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Image source: Two Ellie

Otherwise, if we lack space, instead of large armchairs we can use simple chairs.

Although the latter is linked greatly to the purpose and style we want in our living room. And this style works well for informal designs, but if we look for something more elegant, it may not be the best.

All in correct quantities

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Image source: Solitude Homes

We must maintain harmony in the proportion of the furniture and decorations we use. Ideally, nothing should be most important that our focal point.

Sometimes it is difficult to accomplish this because we use very striking furniture. We can reduce its visual impact if the upholstery and the colors of the furniture and walls are in neutral tones and with few details, maintaining a minimalist style.

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Image source: Regan Wood Photography

We can create more space artificially by using pastel colors, which increase the amount of light that bounces off the walls. If we use these neutral colors for the largest pieces of furniture, we are guaranteed a proper balance when using some colors in the details, such as textile patterns on the cushions.

Otherwise, if the large elements are those that stand out in patterns, the decoration should be kept simple.Unless we look for a cubist design, we must avoid square furniture. The smaller and slender they are, the better.

Multifunctional furniture design for hall

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Image source: 27 Diamonds Interior Design

We already mentioned it previously. When space is a limitation, we must solve with smart furniture. Items that have more than one purpose, such as sofa beds, or tables with seats included are ideal for saving some space.

Storage also takes an important part of this, so custom floor-to-ceiling shelves are an alternative to consider.

Take advantage of the lighting

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Image source: Spacecrafting / Architectural Photography

With the right lighting, we can create the most welcoming areas without the need for many furnishings. Try to make the majority natural through windows.

Keep it personal

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Image source: Thom Filicia Inc.

The way that a place is cozy for us is that we customize it as much as possible. Small details, such as the paintings, frames, vases, and flowers we use, are of vital importance to give character.

Living room furniture ideas in the style of Urban Ladder

Now, appreciate some furniture designs with Urban Ladder style. We can find lots of decorative pieces, from the most elegant and modern, to the most classic and cozy. The patterns they offer us also allow us to enjoy a certain degree of customization.

A whole catalog of seats

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Image source: Extreme Developers, Inc

Choosing the best seat for our living room is not an easy task. It must be comfortable and allow us to enjoy sitting for hours watching TV.

The ones you see are some elegant and modern options. Materials vary from fabrics to leather, which allows us to achieve different patterns. A smart alternative is to buy furniture with washable covers, especially if we have animals or small children.

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Image source: The Fox Group

Size is another fundamental aspect that we must take into account when selecting the sofa. But don’t worry, because we can almost certainly get something that suits us, be it two, three or more seats, or an L-shape sofa for corners.

Finally, we have a large individual armchairs ideal to rest quietly while taking a nap. The head and neck supports are ergonomic, adapting to the body. Everything is designed to be molded to your figure.

Do not forget the storage

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Image source: 2id Interiors

You should also give importance in your remodeling plan to the alternatives for storage. Large table sets are perfect for large families, while we can opt for more modest options for decoration. The options that we present to you are of high quality with unmatched wood finishes.

A chair that influences

This is one of those living room furniture ideas that take more than one out of place. Placing a sofa that has no relationship with the rest may seem crazy, but it gives a contrast to the living room that helps to attract attention.

Coffee tables should also be exquisite in design. Above all when it comes to the coffee table in our living room.

Do not forget your internal critic

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Image source: Leverone Design, Inc.

Works of art cannot be missing in any respectable living room. We are not referring only to paintings (which should be included so that the walls do not look empty), but also sculptures. If we already have the main element, just select works that complement.

It seems curious, but the side tables inside a room are more decoration than useful furniture. These are modest and work to hold few objects, but give a touch of general warmth as a complement.

Tips for selecting the ideal sofa

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Image source: 41 West

You must first make sure that the size is appropriate. If it can fulfill your purpose, then we can select a design that we like.

A safe option is simply to combine it with the rest of the decoration of our living room. However, if you still don’t define your focal point, you can always use strong colors to contrast it.

The cushions are a blank canvas

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Image source: Decorating Den Interiors-Strok Design Team

Our room furniture can gain a lot of character with the right cushions. Whenever the general tone of our room allows, we can use bold prints. Size is also important in cushions. Depending on the sofa, we must adapt them so that they do not capture all the attention.

It is up to you to apply these living room furniture ideas

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Image source: Coddington Design

The steps we take here seek to make your remodeling process much easier. A good living room guarantees a pleasant environment for everyone who enters our home.

It is important to keep this part of our home as good as possible since, for our guests, this is the first internal place they will see. You have to leave a lasting impression that marks them and makes them want to be there for hours. The styles are many, and this is a matter of taste, but you have to maintain a series of basic concepts for each to properly work.

If you liked this article about living room furniture ideas, you should check out these as well:

The post Living room furniture ideas to create a stunning space appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


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