Monday, September 30, 2019

Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home

Creating a cozy living room does not have to be directly related to its size. Many people believe that if we have ample space, we cannot create cozy areas. That is a serious mistake that makes us not even try to change our decoration.

However, even if we turn to dictionaries, we will find that nowhere cozy is defined as something small, but as comfortable and warm. That is why the relationship between size and comfort is not linked at all.

cl13-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Harpers Interiors

We can enjoy a large cozy living room. The styles and designs of these are very varied, and all come to the same result: provide us with the greatest possible comfort.

Although each person has a different concept of comfort, many elements remain constant and never go out of style. Today we will see some cozy living room ideas that will allow us to break with our orthodox pattern.

Apply different textures using covers and tapestries

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The more layers we apply in our living room, the cozier it will look. We refer to mantles, tapestries, cloth decorations, covers, etc. There is no way for cotton to disappoint us when it comes to generating heat.

cl1-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Savvy Surrounding Style

In cold regions, skins tend to be a more common choice, but in our case, we don’t have to go that far. With an imitation that gives us the pattern we want will be enough to add a little color.

If you don’t know which accessories to select, we recommend options that never fail, such as cushions or carpets.

No one can be left without a seat

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Image source: Perfect Stays

Every comfy living room requires to have enough spaces where you can sit and relax for hours. A large sofa is always welcome to make everything more comfortable.

On top of our furniture to sit, we can start applying the previous advice of the layers. Place all kinds of cushions and covers that allow you to wrap yourself during cold afternoons.

If your sofa does not meet that we can sleep on it, then we should consider changing it. The following recommendations are from the furniture manufacturer La-Z Boy, who have a wide range of options from the most luxurious to the simplest styles.

Hard floors do not work with a cozy design

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Image source: Caroline Harrison Designs Inc

Let’s face it, we all know that wood and tile floors look exceptional. However, these are cold and very hard for our environment. If we want to heat the environment, we have to add at least one carpet.

The carpets have two fundamental functions in any space, the first being to generate warmth, and the second is to create a delimited area where living room activities will take place.

If you want it to stand out, get a plush rug with a striking print. If you don’t find a single design that you like, you can stack them one on top of the other. It will generate much more heat and will be more comfortable.

Baskets are a cozy decorative element

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Image source: Giffin & Crane General Contractors, Inc.

A handmade basket with textures and colors is a way to create a more rustic and peaceful environment. Not only that, but they are a very practical solution when we need orderly storage space.

The styles of baskets are very varied, and depending on their size, we can storage from small ornaments to covers and magazines.

Win a breath of fresh air

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Image source: Beth Singer Photographer Inc.

If we don’t have direct contact with nature from our living room, we have to create it. The easiest way is with elements of it, such as flowers, stones, sand, branches, and in general any material that has not been altered by man.

If we find it very difficult to add real natural elements, we can always opt for imitations that also give us a feeling of warmth.

In case we have a lot of space because of a high room, it is best to use large plants that can occupy these empty areas. The only advice is that if we use real plants, we should keep them well lit.

Create a cozy living room with two paint colors

We can reduce or expand the space of our living room a bit with some visual tricks using paint. The mixture of a base color with a finish of a few inches at the top of the wall (before the ceiling) will subtract space, while if we paint a few inches inside the ceiling, we will achieve the opposite effect.

Say goodbye to small coffee tables

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Image source: Lux Decor

Instead of using small storage furniture, such as coffee tables, we have to opt for something that suits our big living room.

A large shelf, like an ottoman, will help us cover larger wall extensions. Although we can always place, a tray on top so that it works like an inn.

Reduce the available area by separating it with the furniture

cl19-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: JS Interiors LLC

In order not to alter our room much, we can use the furniture as a separating element. A console table should not be placed only on the back of a sofa; in fact, if it is located in free parts we can separate different environments. Not a fan of open concepts? Then try this option.

Sectional furniture allows you to build your dream living room

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Image source: Van Metre Homes

There are times when we do not get all our furniture to combine. To avoid this, it is best to work with sectional chairs. In this way, we can use the amount of furniture we need, give it the form we want, and make it as cozy as we wish.

The charm of natural light

cl3-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: SHIFT Interiors

No cozy modern living room can be complete without a good dose of natural light. Integration with nature, as we said previously, is essential to make our environment look more welcoming.

The lack of light generates sad and small spaces. Try to keep the windows open and clear so that as much light as possible enters.

Take the opportunity to create smaller spaces

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Image source: Brad Weesner Design

Our large living room can be ideal for organizing an elegant celebration. In the party rooms, multiple tables and chairs that give each group of guests some privacy occupy the space. We can do the same with the right budget, then opting for many small tables instead of a single large one.

You can also apply this idea with armchairs. Obviously, instead of being located around dining tables, these cores will be distributed around coffee tables.

The disorder is our ally

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Image source: Enviable Designs Inc.

When it comes to cozy living rooms, there can be a few misplaced blankets. The loose covers and blankets on the armchairs and tables create a carefree environment, in which people feel safe to relax. During the cold days, these loose fabrics and skins will be perfect for clothing.

Cover large spaces with bookshelves

cl7-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Chloe Warner

When we have a lot of space available, having books is not a problem. A couple of bookshelves located near the walls may be all we need to fill empty areas. Also, the books give a refined touch to the environment.

Technology cannot be a distraction

cl21-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Thomas Towne Reavey, Inc.

In a living room that seeks to be as cozy as possible, technology has no place. Usually, people install large entertainment systems with televisions, and this result in people not socializing in this space.

The TV and any other technological device should be in a separate room or studio that is exclusively for this purpose. Our cozy living room should stand out for social interactions.

Although we can place the TV in the living room, it is best to hide it with some furniture or recess it in the wall.

All furniture must be complemented

cl14-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Upscale Construction

The best when we place our furniture is that no piece is left alone. These will look like desert islands that lack something. A sofa cannot be without a side table or it will appear that we place it randomly to fill a space.

To make our decoration gain a sense of structure, we must complement each element. For example, if a table looks very lonely, a couple of lamps on it will give it a new use.

When our sofa is not close to the wall, we must be able to hide its back. Sofa tables exist for this, but we must ensure that they have the appropriate height to cover the necessary imperfections, and not go over the back of the sofa.

Let the wood retain its texture

c22 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Cornerstone Builders Inc

As with polished floors, the smooth wood in furniture makes these look stiff and lifeless. Of course, for a modern environment, it may work to eliminate textures, but if we want something cozy, it is best to keep them. Opaque finishes, in general, provide a more cozy feeling than reflective ones.

However, we can still opt for a stylish look with the use of textures, just that instead of using wood, replace it with fabrics. The upholstery and blankets are perfect to add a little shape to the living room without having to reach the rustic end.

Circular shapes provide us with shelter

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Image source: Mahoney Architects & Interiors

The enclosed spaces give us a sense of security and are perfect for gathering people. A semicircular armchair location will make us feel that we are in our bedroom.

May your arms have the rest they deserve

cl25-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: McCroskey Interiors

There is nothing worse than wanting to rest sitting and that the support of the arms is not at the right height. Before purchasing any furniture, it is best to test your comfort.

This does not only apply to the arms. The back also tends to be a delicate part when it comes to comfort. If the inclination is wrong, or if the backrest is not soft enough, we will end up with severe pain.

Ceiling fans should not be on us.

cl26-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Ecohabit

Although they are refreshing, ceiling fan blades are not nice above our heads. There is always the feeling that they will fall, so they do not allow us to relax completely. In areas with many armchairs, you should use other ventilation systems, such as foot fans, air conditioners or windows.

For additional comfort, stack several cushions

cl10-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Hammer Architects

Stacking many cushions and pillows will create areas that we can use to rest comfortably. When the dream invades us, we can immerse ourselves in their softness and let ourselves go.

If we invest in new pillows, we will always be prepared for casual meetings. We can also stack a large number of cushions only when we need it and then return them to their place.

Fireplaces are the most welcoming element of all

cl20-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Beckwith Interiors

Probably the coziest and elegant of all building elements is a fireplace. During the cold days, we can light it so that its fire warms us. Of course, this is an aggregate that we must think in advance when designing our home, but it has its benefits assured in the cold regions.

Reform your sofa

cl8-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Niche Interiors

It is time to get rid of the old sofa and acquire a new one. Opt for a large one that offers seating for many people. Try to keep it in line with the rest of the decoration so it doesn’t get all the attention.

If we are not yet ready to change our armchair, then we must be willing to acquire others of reduced sizes to have enough space to sit. We cannot leave our visits standing. Your cozy living room should be a space where everyone can be.

That the textures are not only on the pillows

cl9-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Lucy Call

The chairs, tables, shelves, even the painting of our living room can have texture. Including it only in some upholsteries will make it look like a shy aggregate, so we should use texture whenever we can.

Have the blankets ready

cl27-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: David Campbell Building Pty Ltd

A movie night is a perfect time to disconnect from the world. We do not want it to be ruined by something as simple to prevent as the cold. Keep additional blankets on hand for these unforeseen events. You can place them in an easily accessible shelf or drawer.

For movie theaters, the best is black

If we plan to dedicate an entire room to watching movies (or just to make it cold and perfect for sleeping), dark colors are our best allies. Black, cold, and muted shades will make us sleepy, or eliminate all existing distractions.

Like blankets, have additional tables

cl28-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: RKI Interior Design

Side tables should not be missing at our meetings. Our guests should not put drinks directly on the floor or on the armrest of the sofa. Then you can’t blame them if they spill any liquid on the carpet

Artificial light will make our room shine

cl15-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: Jackie Di Cara Design

We must ensure that, unless we want something to sleep, our room is prepared with multiple lights. Our cozy living room must have at least three varieties of different lamps that allow us to cover every possible corner.

If we do not want the light to directly affect the environment, we can always place lampshades or failing that, install dim lights.

Get ready to spend hours in your living room

cl29-1 Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home
Image source: R Brant Design

With the right mix of some of the elements and advice in this guide, we will be able to make a living room worthy of an architecture magazine. Your guests will appreciate having a beautiful place to meet, and you can relax whenever you want inside your home.

If you liked this detailed article on having a cozy living room, you should check out these as well:

The post Cozy living room ideas that are a must try in your own home appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Sunday, September 29, 2019

DIY bathroom vanity ideas and options: Examples you can try

Bathrooms are in general small spaces and this means that each of us wants to make the most of every change that we do. This also applies to our bathroom vanity. This piece is usually one of the main attractions in your bathroom that means you for sure want to get it right from the start when you choose it.

A diy bathroom vanity doesn’t look like complex furniture so for sure you can build your own if you have the time and patience. Give a look at some of the DIY bathroom vanity ideas we listed here and maybe you will find a source of inspiration that you can use to start your own build.

Styles of Bathroom Vanities

You will find various styles of bathroom vanity plans. Some are rustic, some are vintage, and some can fit any type of bathroom. It really depends on the needs that you have so make sure you check different options before you make your final decision. The most popular ones are the vintage and the contemporary so let’s have a look at their particularities

Contemporary Vanity

  • they have clean lines
  • offer a sleek and simple design
  • don’t have embellishments
  • they are made from wood, metal or stone

Vintage Vanity

  • the edges are generally round and sometimes they feature scrollwork to have a more custom look
  • they might be similar to pieces of furniture because they look similar with tables or bureaus
  • many people build this type of rustic vanities themselves and the cool aspect of this is that you can repaint them or make them suit exactly the design of your bathroom

The Steps to Choosing a Bathroom Vanity

Consider Who Is Going to Be Using It, and How

When choosing the DIY bathroom vanity think about what type of people are going to be using it. If let’s say you are making a new suite for your family and maybe the both of you will need the sink in the morning at the same time, then you should choose a homemade vanity that has a double sink. Particularities like this should be considered before a final choice so really think about who and how is going to use it.

Choose Single vs Double Vanity

The single vanity is for sure a good choice because it can work with all kind of mounting systems and it is the most common one used especially for small spaces. It has a single sink and might be just what you needed for your bathroom vanity plans.

The double one is compatible with a wall-mount and a freestanding style. This option is best to be used for a shared bathroom, a double sink will help a lot in this case.

Look At Potential Obstacles to Determine Placement and Size

When choosing the DIY bathroom vanity you are going to use for your bathroom you need to be really sure when you make your final choice. This is because bathroom designs take quite a lot of time to be changed.

Although this means that you have a more limited space to where you can install your home depot vanity you can still adapt and find the right spot. Make sure you pay attention to the door swing in your bathroom.

Check that if it opens inwards it will not hit the vanity because this option is not going to work on the long term. Will you go for a shower with a door instead of a curtain? This is another option you need to think about when you decide to place your vanity.

Choose a Mounting Type

Continuing the list with DIY bathroom vanity ideas we reached the mounting type that you want yours to have. The freestanding vanities are usually the popular ones because they are always locked insecure to the wall in order to have stability and the weight will be put on the legs that sit on the floor.

If you are wondering how to build a vanity the wall-mounted version can be a fast one to do. This comes directly on the wall and it is usually put wherever you prefer it. The advantage in using this one is that you can adapt it easily and change its position till you find the most comfortable one.

Pick Out Materials

When choosing the materials for your DIY bathroom vanity consider the fact that it will get in contact with a lot of water, makeup or cleaning products and so on. Also, this room is usually more humid than the other ones. The most used materials are ceramic, stone, glass, wood and plastic.

DIY bathroom vanity ideas

Choosing the right vanity plans is also a matter of checking everything from the list of needs that you have. Maybe you follow certain trends or have certain preferences, for sure your bathroom vanity needs to make you happy and make your bathroom a cool place of the house.

Some popular models are the ones that have an open shelf and come with a robust structure. There are also a lot of minimalist models that you can have so again it depends on your preferences.

DIY Double Bathroom Vanity

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In search of DIY bathroom vanity plans that can work for you? Check this double vanity that can be mounted under vessel sinks with no problem. There is a material list made that you can find easily at a bigger store that is specialized in this type of materials. And no worries you also get a tools list together with all the diagrams you need to build your DIY bathroom vanity.

Marble Topped Wooden Vanity

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If you want to go for a simpler bathroom vanity you need to choose a different material for the top part and marble just might be the right way to do it. It’s quite expensive but it looks amazing and you will not have any problems with it.

Corner Vanity

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No matter if your style choices the diy bathroom vanity that you are going to do needs to be done according to the size of your space. This type of vanity fits the small bathrooms and goes well in the corner. It has a sink and faucet together with a mirror.

They also have small storage that is the place where the plumbing can be accessed. This vanity can surely be a good choice especially if you were searching for a simple model to get.

Vintage Style Bathroom Vanity

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This vintage style vanity comes with a minimalist design. It has a lower shelf that can be used to store towels or other bath essentials and it fits easily and medium bathroom size. have a look and see what you think.

Small Bathroom Vanity

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Indeed, we discovered that a diy bathroom vanity can be most of the times the best choice to go with. However, for a small bathroom you guessed it, you will need a small vanity. This model has turned legs and two cabinet doors that give you the right amount of storage space for your needs.

In order to make it you just need some wood, a saw and a drill. The screws will be the final parts needed and you will be all set.

Modern Bathroom Vanity with Drawers on the Bottom

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Check this vanity plans and create yours. As you can see it has large drawers in the bottom, so this means a lot of storage. It’s quite a good choice for a guest bathroom and for sure you will be able to store in it all the necessities you have.

Custom Drawer Vanity

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A lot of vanity models are not that big, but this doesn’t mean they have storage potential. Discover how to create plywood vanity drawer compartments that can help you with your bathroom necessities.

There are two types presented here. One is made out of a simple box that can be customized to fit the dimensions you need and the other one has a pull-out that can also be customized. All the building process is explained so check it out and discover the tips included.

Concrete Top Vanity

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Make your bathroom look cool with this awesome vanity concept. If you use concrete, you will add that industrial vibe and it will look great with silver or other similar colors. Make your own and use the guide explained in here.

Rustic DIY Bathroom Vanity

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This rustic diy bathroom vanity has that rustic look that maybe some of you want to give to your bathroom. It gives a lot of room so all you have to do is get it!

Wooden Double Bathroom Vanity

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A double bathroom vanity can be the dream for a couple. This is because it looks cool and it is also a time saver especially for the mornings when the two of you are on the run. Check this bathroom vanity plans and see what you think about them.

Furniture Flip

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It’s really easy to transform an old dresser into a cool DIY bathroom vanity especially if you invest some time in it. With some new paint and new hardware, the change will be complete.

Ending thoughts on a DIY bathroom vanity

As you probably figured it out a DIY bathroom vanity is an important piece for your bathroom, actually, any time of vanity has a big role. It not only helps you by providing some useful space, but it also gives a different vibe to your bathroom. So, pay a lot of attention when choosing yours.

If you liked this detailed article on DIY bathroom vanity ideas, you should check out these as well:

The post DIY bathroom vanity ideas and options: Examples you can try appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Saturday, September 28, 2019

Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire you

What a screened-in porch does is that it becomes an extra living area making you feel like you are outdoors. It helps you protect yourself from all kind of pests and bugs and keep the fresh air coming in.

A porch is a great place for a summer evening to get with your friends together. They come in different models and they allow both and the breeze to come in because they have just an insect barrier that protects you.

sp Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire you
Image source: Farmer Payne Architects – Sun Valley

Here are some screened-in porch ideas that you can try as well and who knows maybe you will build one for yourself. But before we show the models here are some things to take in consideration when you want to have one.

  • choose the location when you want to make a screened-in porch. Usually having a space that has sunlight and a refreshing breeze can be the ideal start.
  • when you search for ideas to inspire yourself from do consider also what are your needs. Maybe you want your screen room to be made for entertaining purpose and have a big TV, sound system and more.
  • think about the door system that you want to install. It is wise that when you will install the door system to consider avoiding to block the traffic flow from the rest of your house.  Aluminum door seems to be the best because they don’t sag like the wood doors for example.
  • a screened-in porch can for sure be built from a lot of materials like copper, aluminum and so on. A material that has become popular lately is the vinyl because you can install it easily and it is quite durable. For sure it is not as durable as some other metal, but it still does a great job.
  • be careful with the light, you have to know that any screened in porch will reduce some of the light that goes in the rest of your home.

Cool Screened-in porch ideas

A screened-in porch is ideal for dinners, entertaining or relaxation. We discovered a lot of screened in porch ideas and today we want to share the most inspiring ones that we saw.

A Classic, Neutral Screened Porch

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Image source: Kieran J. Liebl, Royal Oaks Design, Inc. MN

In this type of space, you will feel very relaxed. The blue rug offers a cool contrast to the worm ceiling. You don’t have to worry about space, it has plenty for any guests you might have. What you will need is probably more pillows, pillows are always a good idea for a screen porch.

Multifunctional Space

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Image source: Tim Cuppett Architects

Having this type of furniture type that is a slim-profile one the designers of this screened in porch have created three separated spaces in the same narrow porch. You can adapt the space for a summer dinner or a late-night drink event with some of the best friends.

Game Day Hot Spot

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Probably one of the best places to watch your favorite teams compete is a cozy screened-in porch. Check this nice design and see how you can install your TV in a minimal style and how to add the rest of the elements for building this relaxing space.

Rustic Porch

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Image source: Headwaters Enterprises, Inc

This screened-in porch is perfect for making a protective environment against any type of insects that might disturb your guests. It has a wood ceiling and the floors blend well with that color. Enjoy the scenic views around your house and relax in the late summer hot evening with this model.

Cheerful Throw Pillows with Dark Wall

s14 Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire youImage source: Eckard Photographic

The dark walls in this screen room fit well with the colorful pillows that are around. Some good design choices can do a lot to play around with different elements and see what you can get. Space is flexible, you can use it for dining, lounging or even small parties with your family.

Charming Farmhouse Porch

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Image source: Liz Harris/McKee Properties

An outdoor room looks great when using an interior influence like a sofa or lamp. This design is perfect for a garden setting and can offer a vibrant chilling space that you can use at any time.

Dapper Dining Digs

sp13 Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire youImage source: Andrea Swan – Swan Architecture

This screened-in porch is one build with a more classic approach having some old folding chairs that make it feel stylish. The chandelier creates a relaxing mood and when you feel the breeze you really do remember that you are in a really great screened porch.

Hammock Time

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Image source: David Charlez Designs

If you want to be lazy sometimes, why not spend a few hours in your own hammock? This can be the porch room that you always wanted. For sure the swinging spot doesn’t have to be the main focus of it, but it can still become your chilling area during weekends or late nights in the summer.

Classic Charleston Porch

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Image source: Johnson & Galyon Homes

This screened-in porch has classic white furniture and funny pillows that make a great contrast. The colors give a few oriental vibes to it and the natural textures really get a lot of attention to anybody that visits it. It’s perfect if you wanted to create a space that can be chill and fun at the same time.

Fireplace Focal Point

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Image source:  Gast Architects

Some other cool screened-in porch ideas that we found feature their own fireplace. They are great for chilly nights or evening and you can really rest good in them. The light coming from the fire will always give a sense of relaxation to any of your guests. They will like it for sure.

No Frills Necessary

sp11 Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire youImage source: Daniel Krienbuehl Contractors Inc.

This is a spacious porch that has a simple set made for dining. What is really cool about this type of rooms is that they can be adapted easily for other purposes like a barbecue, party or become a relaxing zone.

Colorful Charm

sp12 Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire youImage source: Rethink Design Studio

A bit of color can impact a lot you’re screened-in porch. This idea uses a small space that has just one color on the floor and furniture. A yellow lamp sets the tone for a relaxing vibe that you can retreat in and admire the view of your backyard.

Texas Farmhouse Porch

sp5 Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire you
Image source: Longview Builders, Inc.

Probably one of the best ways to see the sunrise or sunset in Texas is when you make your own screened-in porch. This design comes with a traditional setup. It made using wood and it is made cozier using a lot of cotton pillows. The atmosphere is a rustic one and depending on your preference you can use the space for a lot of different occasions.

A final thought on a screened-in porch 

sp1 Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire you
Image source: Cathy Zaeske

In conclusion, if you want to make your own screened-in porch you need to understand the final atmosphere that you want to bring it in. Decorate it according to your needs. For sure it is going to be a protective spot against annoying insects, and it can become an extra room of your house where you can relax, have gatherings and a lot more.

If you enjoyed reading this article about screened-in porch, you should read these as well:

The post Awesome screened-in porch ideas that can inspire you appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Friday, September 27, 2019

The best homeowners insurance companies in 2019

Homeowners Insurance Research

We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 

Shopping for the best home insurance policy on your own isn’t a simple or fun process. It is, however, something that everyone needs to safeguard their home. For that reason, we wanted to show you how to pick the best home insurance and the most important things to consider when searching for a provider and policy.

After compiling research from dozens of reviews and independent-rating agencies, as well as interviewing an agent with more than 15 years of experience, we found that there’s no one-size-fits-all option.

The one national company that separates itself from the other big dogs in the pack is Amica Mutual, which ranks highest in the homeowners insurance segment for an 18th consecutive year by J.D. Power.

With something as individualized and geographical as home insurance, selecting a sole winner seemed impractical, so we decided to mention some of our favorite regional picks. We found that Erie Insurance, State Farm, Auto Owners, and Allstate all ranked high. We also found that individual Farm Bureaus were often preferable to a large company because of their region-specific knowledge.

Find the Best Home Insurance Rates

Home insurance rates can vary greatly depending on where you live, so it is important to compare all of your options. To quickly find the best rates in your area, simply enter your ZIP code below. Be sure to compare rates from at least two or three companies in order to find the very best rate for you.

Enter Your ZIP Code:

In this article:

Important Home Insurance Facts

Before we get into our top picks for best homeowners insurance companies, we thought we’d lay some foundation about the function and importance of insuring your house, condo or apartment from outside risks, such as fires or natural disasters.

What is Home Insurance?

Homeowners insurance is a form of property insurance that financially protects owners of private homes, buildings, and contents, against damage from unforeseen circumstances.

Property insurance can protect owners from two classifications of risks: open perils and named perils. Open perils protect owners from any harm that is not specifically mentioned as an exclusion in the property insurance policy. Common exclusions include floods, earthquakes or acts of war. On the other hand, named perils specifically name the cause of loss they are protecting against in the policy. Fire insurance or flood insurance are both examples of property insurance with named perils.

Is Home Insurance Required?

Legally, homeowners do not need to obtain a home insurance policy for their property or building. With that said, lenders tend to require borrowers to obtain a home insurance policy throughout their mortgage. If the home is located in an area vulnerable to floods or earthquakes, lenders may also require borrowers to purchase additional insurance as well.

Our Methodology: How We Chose the Best Homeowners Insurance

We looked at dozens of home insurance reviews and ratings from around the web for more than 45 hours to determine where customers were consistently satisfied. We compared quotes and reviews from 10 of the top-rated national companies, as well as 15 of the highest-ranked regional companies, and referred to J.D. Power to single out the ones that are the best to deal with. We also chatted with an insurance agent of over 15 years to get a firsthand look into the expectations of consumers.

Deciding who will pay the bills in the event of a catastrophe is no small task. Everyone wants to work with a company that they can trust to have their back when they call. We decided to put most of the weight on customer-service ratings. Any company can trumpet cheap prices and discounts, but whether or not they’ll be willing to uphold their end of the deal when push comes to shove is what really counts.

Our Picks For Best Homeowners Insurance Companies

Home Insurance Top Picks

  • Best National Home Insurance Company: Amica Mutual
  • Best Cheap Home Insurance Company: Travelers
  • Best Renters Insurance Company: American Family
  • Best Home Insurance Company for Military Members: USAA
  • Best Flood Insurance Company: State Farm
  • Best Home Insurance Company for Old Homes: State Farm
  • Best Regional Home Insurance Companies: Erie Insurance & Farm Bureau

While we felt it was unfair to call any major company the best overall in this field, we did find that certain ones stood out in a number of subcategories. Here are a few of our suggestions.

Amica Mutual – Best National Homeowners Insurance

Everyone needs his or her own “fortress of solitude” after a stressful day, and your domicile is truly the last great refuge. A good home insurance company should provide the same safety, security, shelter and peace of mind that your home does.

Amica Mutual is considered to be one of the pre-eminent insurers in the United States. Holding an impressively high customer service and financial rating, as well as being J.D. Power’s overall top pick for 2019 (for the 18th consecutive year), Amica is one of the finest insurance companies in the nation.

Boasting a claims service that pays out within 24 hours of an accident and a home-repair assistance program that connects you to more than 2,000 contractors to ensure a speedy cleanup, Amica is well equipped to come to your aid. Amica may not be among the nation’s largest insurers, but this company is very strong in terms of customer satisfaction ratings. If you want insurance policies with built-in perks that you can bundle together for a discount, give Amica a look.

The company offers basic home insurance coverage, as well as some unconventional upgrades, like:

  • Catastrophic coverage pays for property damage from floods or earthquakes, both of which are not typically included in standard policies.
  • Home business coverage pays for work-related items if they’re stolen
  • Dwelling replacement is coverage that pays out if your home needs repairs exceeding the policy limit, typically up to 30%.

Amica’s Platinum Choice policy includes the coverages above (except catastrophic), plus:

  • Additional coverage for business property and theft of valuables, liability and medical payments.
  • Replacement cost reimbursement rather than depreciated value of damaged or stolen items.
  • Water backup/sump overflow coverage in case of damage up to $5,000.
  • Credit card fraud or unauthorized coverage worth up to $5,000.
  • Computer coverage, including TVs, tablets and phones.
  • Loss assessment coverage covering community property near your home.

Home Repair Assistance Program: Amica partners with Contractor Connection, a national network of 2,000 licensed and insured contractors with a Home Repair Assistance program. “Your claims process will be hassle-free and the professionals can be on the scene within hours of an emergency”, Amica says.

Amica is lacking in a few key coverage areas that would limit its overall reach. You won’t find mobile home, farm or ranch coverage at Amica, and those who reside in older homes are sure to walk away empty-handed as well. There is also a dearth of payment-plan flexibility, as you are required to make either one full payment or 10 monthly payments.

Amica had fewer than the median number of complaints to state regulators in 2018 relative to its size for home, according to the latest data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. They also stand out for customer satisfaction, earning the highest honors in two J.D. Power studies, as well as Consumer Reports and Consumer Affairs surveys.

Travelers – Cheapest Homeowners Insurance

There’s no such thing as cheap home insurance, but everyone loves a discount, and even a ballooning premium can be offset with smart discount shopping. Travelers homeowners insurance is a great hub for diversified discount options, including multi policy, new homebuyer and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) discounts. With some education on available discounts, Travelers can be a great option to save some big bucks.

American Family – Best Renters Insurance

While the protection of your dwelling will fall on your landlord, renters insurance will protect your personal property within the building that you rent. Otherwise known as an HO-4 renter’s insurance policy, American Family’s renters insurance boasts coverage of reimbursed living expenses, liability protection and guest medical protection. Also, you might be eligible for a discount if you bundle your auto insurance with Allstate.

USAA – Best Homeowners Insurance Military Members

The undisputed champ of customer service, this powerhouse has been serving military members for more than 90 years. Although USAA is available only to past and present service members, it is often considered to be the paramount insurance company for both home and auto. Offering an unprecedented level of personal-property coverage paired with unmatched customer loyalty, USAA is the clear choice for all who are eligible.

State Farm – Best Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is almost always sold separately from the main policy. If you live in a high-risk area, this is one of the most important purchases you can make. Like most insurers, State Farm writes its flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The company is lauded for its customer service, speedy payouts and top-rated agents. It’s smart to consult a local, preferably independent, agent who can help determine the level of flood protection you need where you live.

State Farm – Best Homeowners Insurance Old Homes

Insuring an old home is trickier than any other home. Many companies won’t even take them on because of the potential liability. State Farm, however, shines with affordable rates, thousands of helpful agents and a great HO-8 policy, which is designed for situations when the replacement cost of a home may be substantially higher than the current market value. There is no better place to insure your rustic abode than State Farm.

Eries Insurance & Farm Bureau- Best Regional Homeowners Insurance

What if you live in an area where State Farm’s coverage is insufficient or simply doesn’t offer the precise coverages you need? If you own oceanfront property, reside in Tornado Alley or have a home that’s on a known fault line, it’s possible that State Farm won’t offer the level of coverage you need to protect your home. In cases like these, regional insurers may offer a more complete portfolio of add-ons to address region-specific concerns. Our top picks are outlined below, but we encourage you to do a bit of research in your local market with an agent to determine which company is best suited for you.

Erie Insurance

Erie Insurance is cut from the same cloth as Amica Mutual. This company is held in high esteem and prides itself in bringing more personalized policies to its clients by staying focused on the 12 states it serves from the Midwest to the Atlantic Ocean (including the District of Columbia). Boasting a four-star J.D. Power ranking and consistently impressive customer-experience ratings, Erie offers some of the most all-encompassing coverage in the field for the greatest value.
Comprehensive discounts are what give Erie the financial edge over larger companies. It offers a wide variety of discounts from new-home and multiple policies to a price break for policyholders 45 or older. Through discounts, Erie can save you as much money as anyone.
Although Erie is available only to a small portion of Americans and doesn’t offer much in the way of learning material or mobile accessibility, it is an excellent option to check into if you live in their coverage area.

Farm Bureau

Another great option is your state’s Farm Bureau insurance. Some states offer this independently and some offer it through an existent agency. We found its service and loyalty to customers to be exemplary. Not only are state bureaus more focused on their clients, but also they hold unparalleled knowledge of area-specific pitfalls and advice. We highly recommend checking with your state’s Farm Bureau to see if you are eligible for insurance.
To sum it up, there is no way to define a single “best” home insurance provider. The beauty of owning your home is that it’s an extension of yourself, making it just as individual as you are. One company that works perfectly for one house might not be a good fit for yours. This is why finding a trusted local agent is worth more than any research you can do on your own.

Choosing the Right Type of Home Insurance for You

For the most part, we found that local and regional agencies are the best option for most homeowners. We recommend finding a local agent and letting him or her help guide you through the twists and turns of your individual policy. G.K. Pippin, a longtime agent of a regional insurance company, agreed that local is better:

I would recommend that any new customer connect with a local agent before buying. Local agents are better equipped to handle your policy with their insightful knowledge of the potential risks in the area.— G.K. Pippin

Being mostly geographically determinate, regional companies tend to be preferable when it comes to home insurance. While the major national companies archetypally deliver excellent coverage, the significance of a personal connection to your area can’t be overstated.
Regional companies are best equipped to understand the nuances of weather, crime rates, reconstruction costs, fire and police protection, etc. All of these factors play a major role in determining one’s premium and coverage level. For example, in coastal North Carolina, local insurers offer far more wind and hail coverage options than a national carrier, which could come in handy if a hurricane rolls through. We asked Pippin to walk us through some of the policy tips he has given his clients.

“I always recommend water- and sewage-damage coverage. Most policies don’t include [these], and [they are] usually skipped over. It’s an inexpensive add-on and the damage, especially on a wooden floor, can be financially [disastrous].”
G.K. Pippin

Understanding Home Insurance Coverage

Understanding the types of coverage that exist is the first step in choosing your policy. While there are dozens of optional coverage add-ons, let’s go over the basics to help simplify things.

Dwelling Coverage

This safeguards you from financial harm if your home or attached buildings are damaged by disasters such as a windstorm, lightning or vehicles. You can purchase as much as you want, but it is recommended that you buy enough to rebuild your home in the event of an accident.

Other Structures Protection

This protects structures that are disconnected from your house, such as a barn or a carport. It typically starts at around 10 percent of your dwelling coverage, but you can adjust it as you see fit.

Additional Living Expense Coverage

Finding a place to live while your home is being repaired can be a headache. This coverage helps you pay for the cost of relocating during this period. Most states allow coverage up to 12 months, but some allow it for 24 months.

Water-backup Coverage

Different than flood insurance, this covers damages from water that flows from the ground up . This is a coverage that some skip on, but could be a huge money saver.

Personal-property Insurance

Most base-level insurance policies only cover damages done to the structure of your dwelling. Personal-property insurance protects your belongings in your home. It is imperative that you get the right amount of coverage for this, and specify how much coverage you want to go toward certain items. Take the time to detail everything you would want replaced and adjust your policy to match that figure.

Family Liability Protection

Helps to cover the liability if disregard and negligence lead to the damage of others’ property. This also can assist in paying for any required legal defense.

Guest Medical Protection

This helps pay for the medical expenses of anyone injured on your property. It typically covers up to $5,000.

Fire Department Charges Coverage

Covers the costs that a fire department would charge to put out a fire at your home.

Picking An Insurance Policy

Picking the right policy to protect your home is no menial chore. Home insurance is arguably the most complex to shop for. While we all have the DIY spirit deep inside of us, it’s recommended that you seek the counsel of an agent to help guide you through the pool of policy and coverage options. An agent will not only help you find the best policy for you, but also will ensure that you don’t pay extra for unneeded coverage.
A continued dialogue with your agent can help eradicate any misunderstandings when it comes time to choose a policy. Even after you pick your policy, it’s imperative that you continue to communicate with your insurer to verify that no changes have been made to your policy, unbeknownst to you. Pippin agreed that most of the customer complaints he has heard stem from a lack of communication between parties.

“The biggest issue I see is clients not staying in contact with their agent. You should check with your company annually to verify that no changes have been made to your policy.”
G.K. Pippin

If you are an exceptionally cautious person or have a lot of personal items you would like to protect, be prepared to pay a heftier premium every month. With all insurance, you get the level of protection that you pay for. The significance of thoroughly going through your policy options with your agent can’t be overstated.
Another nugget to keep in your mind is that several factors can affect the cost of your policy. Here are some to consider:

  • Catastrophic coverage pays for property damage from floods or earthquakes, both of which are not typically included in standard policies.
  • Home business coverage pays for work-related items if they’re stolen
  • Dwelling replacement is coverage that pays out if your home needs repairs exceeding the policy limit, typically up to 30%.

Amica’s Platinum Choice policy includes the coverages above (except catastrophic), plus:

  • Owning certain items that have higher potential for risk, such as a swimming pool or trampoline, can drive your premiums up quickly.
  • Owning an aggressive breed of dog can escalate pricing.
  • Your home’s distance from a fire station or hospital plays greatly into how much you’ll pay. If you live too far away from either, some insurers won’t even write a policy for you.
  • Anything than can be perceived as a danger by your insurance company will be. Thankfully, there are discounts you can acquire to counteract this, such as installing a security system.
  • The more risk you can eliminate, the more likely you are to save money on your policy.
  • Loss assessment coverage covering community property near your home.

Common Policy Options

As complicated and overwhelming as the nuts and bolts of home insurance can be, there is a silver lining: Due to regulations from the Insurance Services Office, all insurers must provide the same types of coverage and call them by the same name. This will wholly expedite comparing policies amongst multiple competitors. To make it even simpler for you, I have put together a list of common home insurance policy options that most companies will carry.

HO-0: Dwelling & Fire

The base level of insurance policies, HO-0 is limited protection that covers damage caused by fire, smoke, explosions, lightning, windstorms, hail, civil unrest and vehicles. It should be noted that there is nothing but dwelling coverage in this policy; personal property and liability are unprotected.

HO-1: Basic Form

Not available in every state, the HO-1 home insurance policy protects your abode against 11 perils: Theft, vandalism, hail, lightning, windstorm, fire, aircraft damage, vehicle damage, volcanic eruption, civil commotion and glass breakage. This covers your dwelling, and you can add coverage of your personal items as well.

HO-2: Broad Form

This is a comprehensive form of “named perils” coverage. Any peril that is unnamed will not be covered. All in all, this policy covers your home from the 11 perils in an HO-1 policy, plus falling objects, weight of snow and rain, and malfunctioning electrical or household equipment.

HO-3: Special Form

This extensive policy is best for single-family homes and uses a different formula than the previous policies to determine the perils it covers. HO-3 home insurance covers all perils except for those that are specifically excluded.

HO-4: Tenant’s Form

Colloquially known as renters insurance, this form protects people who are renting their residence. While the responsibility of dwelling coverage will fall on your landlord, an HO-4 will provide personal property and liability coverage.

HO-5: Premium

The most extensive policy available, this is essentially an extended HO-3 policy. It takes the open-peril basis of an HO-3 and applies it to your personal property as well as your dwelling. Barring its exclusion, any damage caused by a peril to your structure or personal contents will be covered.

HO-6: Condominium Insurance

Much like an HO-4, this protects the personal property and personal liability of someone living in a condo. The perils covered are the same as an HO-2.

HO-7: Mobile-Home Insurance

This policy is the same as an HO-3 but with protection for mobile and manufactured homes.

HO-8: Older-home insurance

Insuring an older home is a greater risk because the cost of repair would be more than the market value of the home. Therefore, not every company provides this type of policy. An HO8 is similar to an HO3, with additional provisions relevant to older homes.

What Makes a Good Homeowners Insurance Company

These are the features we devoted our attention to when determining recommendations for the best home insurance companies.

  • Financial standing: The ability to pay back claims, in full, in a prompt manner.
  • Customer satisfaction: Treating customers like real people, not numbers.
  • Available local agents: Having someone to call goes a long way when your home is damaged.
  • User and market-research reviews: We compiled and distilled reviews from users and professionals.
  • Available discounts: Much like auto insurance, discounts are plentiful if you know where to look.
  • History of claims handling: You want a company that has been around for generations.
  • Online capabilities: Efficiency is key when it comes to handling claims, and a company’s digital prowess is important in today’s smartphone-driven culture.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right home insurance is similar to choosing a home. In both instances, you are aiming to invest in stability. The right home insurance company should be as trustworthy and unshakeable as the very foundation your home rests on. Even though you hope to never use your policy, it’s worth choosing an insurer based on how they’d react if you needed to.
Home insurance is among the most complicated and individualized forms of insurance you’ll have to buy. Realizing that there will never be a one-size-fits-all solution to home insurance, it’s impossible to make a uniform recommendation. In our research, we found Amica Mutual to be the best bet, but your location may yield an entirely different result. With the help of a personal agent to help sift through the jargon, you can find a company that you feel comfortable entrusting your safe haven to.

Interview, G.K. Pippin, insurance agent
“12 Factors That Affect Your Home Insurance Rates,” ChristianPF, June 2010
“Do You Need Landslide Insurance?” Insurance Quotes, August 2013
“What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover,” Esurance
“HO4 Renter Insurance Policy,” Insurance Education Group
“HO 8 Home Policy,” American Insurance Services

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