Monday, April 20, 2020

How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

In this article, we will discuss how to clean WeatherTech floor mats without ruining them. Cleaning these mats might seem like a pretty straightforward job. In reality, they are much harder to clean than standard mats.

With the latter, you might get away with not cleaning all the stains thoroughly. When it comes to WeatherTech mats, though, cleaning them is essential for keeping their longevity, and to make them look much better. That is much easier said than done, though. These mats are known for the fact that they will display the stains much more clearly.

Another thing that makes them harder to clean is the material. You need to know some techniques and tools to use. For this reason, read on to learn how to clean WeatherTech floor mats as precisely as possible.

WeatherTech Mats vs. Standard Mats

car-weather-mat How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

So what makes WeatherTech mats so unique, and so different from the standard mats?

To start with, they are made from materials that are much better suited to adverse weather conditions. WeatherTech mats are made from a rubber-like material, which protects your car floor from water and other types of dirt, while also staying durable for much longer. Standard mats, on the other hand, employ a similar type of materials than the regular carpets, so they are just not as durable.

One of the biggest advantages of WeatherTech mats is the fact that they will last even through heavy use and adverse weather conditions. Even when you set foot in the dirtiest areas possible, WeatherTech mats are designed in such a way that they will adapt to the conditions and will last even through the worst types of dirt. For heavy-duty protection, WeatherTech mats are certainly the way to go.

standard-mat How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

One chief difference between the two types of mats is the price. WeatherTech mats might be slightly more expensive than the regular mats, but they are certainly worth the money. That is especially the case if you tend to use your car in rural areas where there is a lot of dirt; regular mats might just not be up for it. They will also allow dirt to come into the floor of the car, something that WeatherMats do not allow to happen.

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You can custom-fit a WeatherTech mat into your car, and you can buy mats for every seat in your car, not just the driver’s seat. This way, your car will be much better protected against dirt and residue collecting on the floor, minimizing the need to clean your car that often. All you need to know is how to clean WeatherTech floor mats, which we are here to help you with.

Here are the main specifications of WeatherTech mats:

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  • They will resist adverse weather conditions and environments, especially dirt, sand, and water. Also, they can be custom-made, so they fit your car properly, and with proper measurements, you will have a nice set of custom mats.
  • The material of these mats is very flexible for all types of weather conditions and will stay so for prolonged periods.
  • The mats are very suited for adverse weather conditions; they will not shrink when it’s too hot, and you will not have to worry about them sticking if it gets hot.
  • They have anti-skid ridges on the bottom, which prevents them from shifting when you are driving. This can be annoying, and these mats are made in such a way that you won’t have to worry about that. These ridges also require a special way of cleaning, which we will address later.
  • WeatherTech mats will last much longer than regular mats. They are made from a rubber-like material that is much better protected against wear-and-tear, which is often the primary reason for buying new mats.

How to Clean WeatherTech Floor Mats

car-weather-mat2 How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

From time to time, you will have to consider cleaning your mats. Sure, these mats are more resistant against dirt and other pieces of residue collecting and damaging the mat, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t have to clean it every once in a while. You can make them look brand new with a few simple steps that we will discuss here.

Before you start doing any cleaning, remove the mat and shake it thoroughly.

This will allow you to get rid of the bigger pieces of mud and dirt, which will make the cleaning process instantly easier.

But what next? You have two options when it comes to how to clean WeatherTech floor mats.

Option #1

wash1 How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

The first option is using water and detergent for cleaning your mats, and then a mat-specific cleaning agent for a better cleaning process.

Again, shake up the mat before you start any cleaning. This will get rid of all the bigger particles of mud and dirt. Here are the steps you should take with option #1.

  • Hose it down. First, set the mat on the ground, and use a hose to clean the mat. It would be nice to use a spray nozzle to adjust the flow of the hose. Soak the mat properly and get it wet. This will let you clean it more thoroughly later on. (Optional: you can also utilize a pressure washer with this step, as it is just much more effective for cleaning off the particles, as it provides more pressure. Not everyone has one, though, and a regular hose will do just fine as well.)

soap1 How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

  • Scrub the mat with a mixture of detergent and water. The next step is to create a mixture of water and detergent (can be a mild laundry or dish soap) in a bucket. Then, start scrubbing the mat thoroughly. It is not recommended to use degreasers or foam cleaners, as they can be abrasive towards the mat. Don’t use a silicone-based agent, as it may cause them to become slippery.

cleaner How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

  • Use a specific floor-mat cleaner. So now that you have thoroughly cleaned the mat with the mixture, you can utilize a cleaner that is specific for these mats. Spray it, brush it, and wipe it off.
  • Clean the ridges. The bottom of the mat should also be cleaned, where there are ridges to make the mat stick better. Take your time to clean the ridges, which will make the mat stick better.

reinstall How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

  • Rinse clean, dry, reinstall. Lastly, you can use the hose again to rinse off everything again. Then, use a towel or other means of trying to make it as dry as possible. Then, reinstall the mat using the retention hooks on the floor of the car. And this is the first option done.

Option #2

bathtub How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

The other options of how to clean WeatherTech floor mats is by soaking the mats for longer periods until the dirt wears off. To do this, follow these steps.

  • Fill the bathtub with soapy water. Fill the bathtub about halfway, and then put a mild detergent or soap inside the water. Mix it thoroughly, and remember to not use any harsh chemicals or products that contain these. Use milder products as to not ruin the mats.
  • Soak up the mats. The next step is to let the mats soak up thoroughly in the mixture. Depending on how dirty the mat is, you might leave it in there for longer. In some cases, an hour might be enough, while for some mats, you can leave them in there longer.

washing How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

After you have soaked the mats, put them out and scrub them using a sponge or a towel. Now, you will start to see how effective the bathtub was. If the mat still contains dirt, you can soak it for even longer once again, and scrub them again thoroughly. Repeat the process until the mat is free of dirt and mud.

dry How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

You can also try other products, such as rubber or vinyl-safe solutions. You can get them at the local car cleaner or mechanic. After you have finished the soaking method, follow the next step

install How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new

  • Rinse, dry, install. Again, rinse the mat thoroughly with clean water, dry it up, and reinstall it in your car. Hopefully, the mat is clean by now. If not, repeat the process again until the dirt is gone.

If you enjoyed reading this article about how to clean WeatherTech floor mats, you should read these as well:

The post How to clean WeatherTech floor mats to make them look new appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


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