Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bathroom Ideas: Which Is Right For Your Family

Designing a bathroom for the modern family, busy and chaotic as they are, requires careful planning because getting the balance right is tricky. If you focus too much on the little ones’ needs, grumpy adults will have to shower hunched over among an army of rubber ducks, and if you focus too little on the children, they won’t be able to reach anything, or worse, they’ll hurt themselves trying.

When it comes to a family bathroom, less is more. As one of the busiest rooms in the house, your bathroom needs to be well-organized so that it doesn’t turn into a war zone after a morning’s use. To help you design a bathroom that looks and works properly for all members of your household, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best family bathroom ideas below.

Avoid Cramming the Showering Area

A tight showering area can be very inconvenient and uncomfortable, especially if you have young children that you need to bathe. One of the best shower tips we can give you is to keep the area simple and avoid cramming it too much. So if you plan on having both a bathtub and a shower enclosure in your family bathroom, think about your space first and make sure you have enough room in your showering area to move freely.

If you have enough space, consider having a wet room-style setup, but if you don’t, then divide the showering area using a single, clear, glass, and screen. This can give your bathroom a clean and elegant look and will effectively maximize the feel of the space. As for shower heads, include a handheld shower at a lower level, even if you already have a large, fixed, overhead shower to make it easier for you to hose down the little ones.

Make Your Bathroom Child-Friendly

You family bathroom has to be child-friendly for obvious safety reasons. Opt for a thermostatic shower to avoid the risk of scalding and consider fitting your taps with temperature regulators. Also, make sure that your baths and shower trays have a non-slip surface to eliminate the risk of falls, and if you’re installing a bathtub, think carefully about its design because hauling young children out of certain tubs can prove a little tiresome. Your flooring choice can also pose a high risk of slipping, so choose a textured floor tile or one with a non-slip coating to avoid nasty accidents.

Consider Twin Basins

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An increasingly popular choice for family bathrooms is to extend or separate sink areas. It may seem a little extravagant at first, but the benefits are invaluable. Twin basins are not just for couples; they can also help out on those busy mornings when both you and your kids need to brush your teeth at the same time. You can dedicate one of the two sinks to the children while the other one would be for the parents. This way, your bathroom can be a little more personal.

Besides giving the parents their own little oasis in the family bathroom, twin sinks can actually open up the space by limiting the build-up of toothpaste, creams, brushers, shavers, etc., offering more storage space. Not only will you prevent clutter from building up, but with dual sinks, you’ll also be able to find your bathroom essentials easily rather than waste valuable time looking for your shaver when you should be getting ready for your important work meeting.

Let There Be Light

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The lighting can make or break the ambiance of any room, and your family bathroom is no exception. An illuminated mirror or a good task lighting above the sink is ideal for early mornings, while a soft light would be perfect for relaxing baths. So consider placing your lights on a dimmer switch so you can have just the right lighting you want whenever you want it.

Incorporate Plenty of Storage Spaces

Storage is key in a family bathroom. Because it’ll be used by many people, it’s inevitable that your bathroom will get messy, especially in the mornings when everyone is rushing to head out. This is why having plenty of storage from the start is important. Not only will storage units prevent the build-up of clutter, but they’ll also give your bathroom a seamless, clean look.

Consider integrating a niche near your showering area for a sleek storage option where you can keep your bath essentials. Storing your shampoo, shower gel, conditioner, etc. in a wall recess rather than placing them on the shower tray is a clever and practical trick that can make your bathroom look more tidy and sleek.

Provide plenty of handy storage by adding a vanity unit under the sink and free up floor space by hanging mirror cabinets above the basin and installing open shelves and floating cabinets where you can. When installing cabinets or shelves, it’s important to plan your storage according to your family’s needs; make sure that your children can reach the toiletries they need, but also keep the medicine, shavers, and anything else that can be possibly dangerous out of your little one’s reach.

Hang at Least One Large Mirror

If you have teenagers in your house, or you remember what it’s like being one, then you’ll know that there aren’t enough mirrors in the world to keep them satisfied. To reduce conflict during your morning bathroom rush hour, consider hanging at least one large mirror. This way, you can create the illusion of more space and accommodate multiple people getting ready at once.

From the little ones who love splashy baths to the teens who tend to hog the bathroom in the morning, sharing one bathroom between all your family members means that you’ll require a clever design that caters to everybody’s needs. For your bathroom to be practical and safe, think durable, low maintenance fittings and fixtures, lots of storage, and easily accessible areas for multiple users. With these tips and ideas in mind, we hope that all your family members can now share a bathroom in peace and harmony.

The post Bathroom Ideas: Which Is Right For Your Family appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


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