Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cool countertop ideas for you to create that stellar kitchen

Choosing the material that you are going to use in your kitchen countertop is quite important. You have to consider the budget that you have for this and how do you want it to change the look of your kitchen. There are diverse countertop ideas that you can go for and, in the end, it is about what you are trying to get out of it.

The kitchen countertop is perfect to bring a designer touch to your kitchen. When you are going to choose the final idea that you want to go with ahead make sure that the materials that you will use are durable and made to withstand all the wear that comes from cooking and prep.

Cool Countertop Ideas for Your Kitchen

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The materials that can be used for kitchen countertops are amazingly diverse and some of them might even surprise you. For sure any countertop ideas that you find will have certain advantages and disadvantage so you need to think well before you make the final decision.

Zinc Countertops

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Image source: Kemp Hall Studio

If you want unique kitchen countertop ideas the zinc ones might be a good option for you. This is because zinc reacts in time with water, oil and other kitchen elements that might go on it. These reactions are responsible for creating the rich patina, the well-known metal signature. Zinc countertops are probably better if left in their natural, matte-finish state.

Black Shale Natural Stone

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Image source: Erin Maggi Taylor and Taylor Designs

These stones come in a powerful grey color that also have some black accents in their high-resolution laminate. If you considered that you want a dark granite with subtle variations before this finish is going to offer the same look for a lot less.

Granite Waterfall Edge Countertop

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Image source: Royal Green Appliance

Some countertop ideas go for this type of design where the counter flows over the sides of the edges and make it look more like a vertical piece of stone or granite. It has a natural infinite look that reminds us of the water flow that runs smoothly over a rock face.

Glass Chroma Countertops

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Image source: Todd Brickman designs

These countertop ideas bring a light feeling into your kitchen because usually the countertop is associated with a big solid mass. This style has become more popular and they come in different colors that can really transform the entire kitchen.

Stainless Steel

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Image source: Holland Rogers Company, LLC

Stainless steel countertop ideas are high in quality and for sure are going to last a lot of years.

c6-1 Cool countertop ideas for you to create that stellar kitchen
Image source: Brooks Custom

The downside of them is that they are not that cheap but for the money that you are going to pay you know for sure that this type of countertop is going to last a long period and might be a really good investment.

Soapstone Countertop

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Image source: Christine Donner Kitchen Design Inc.

The Soapstone is not as popular as marble or granite but it still has been used for countertop ideas for quite some years. It has a warm appearance that you can use to complement other design elements without making the space to crowded. Soapstone is usually found in varying tons of white and grey and can be a great choice for you.

High-Contrast Marble

c8 Cool countertop ideas for you to create that stellar kitchenImage source: GOODFELLAS CONSTRUCTION

Because marble has an elegant look going with it for your kitchen countertop designs can be a good option. Besides the beautiful look that you get marble also can handle serious cooks. It is highly durable and scorch-resistant.

Ceramic Tile

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Image source: Надежда Курайшевич

If you need the high durability but don’t have a big budget a good choice can be ceramic tile. They come in different designs and can really be a budget saver for your countertop ideas.

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Image source: POWDERYELLOW

For sure they can be a good choice for the overall design of your kitchen and you also end up saving some cash.

Lacquered Copper

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Image source: Davis Design Group

If you like copper but are a bit worried about the fact that it can patinate then you might want to use it in an outdoor kitchen. Consider adding a protective layer of lacquer and for sure this is going to protect it for quite some time.

Countertop with Integrated Sinks

c12-1 Cool countertop ideas for you to create that stellar kitchenImage source: ExpressDecor

The integrated sink trend is becoming popular and can really create a seamless look for your kitchen. Its design involves the same material being used for both the countertop and the sink and they really go well together.

Butcher Block Kitchen Countertops

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Image source: Rick & Cindy Black Architects

These countertop ideas bring a low of warm to your kitchen. Make sure you go for it if you want to keep the finish looking new and go for some trivets or cutting boards in order to keep the surface protected from any kind of heat or marring.

Thick Slab Kitchen Countertops

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Image source: Powell Construction

One of the latest trends in kitchens is the thick slab countertop effect. Most of the countertops are about 2″ thick so going for a 3-6″ thick countertop is going to create an anchored look. Remember to adjust the cabinet in order to make up for the height increased in the thicker countertops

Countertop Made of Wood

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Image source: 450 Architects, Inc.

While a lot of us think about butcher-block if wood countertop ideas go in our face there is an option made out of various hardwoods. These materials really offer a cozy feel to the style of your kitchen and they can be redesigned in different ways. Let’s not forget to mention that they will look even better with time.

Granite Tile

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Image source: Oakley Home Builders

If you want to go for a more realistic idea than for sure you can choose granite tiles. They can be easily customized and are going to look so good in your kitchen.

Recycled Glass Slab

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Image source: Pompeii Quartz Precioustone Vetrazzo Sapienstone

A new option that was put in the market for countertop ideas is the recycled glass slab countertops. They are made from recycled glass that has been melted down into slabs for use in countertops. These countertops come in with a different variety of styles that you can play around and find the best solution for your space.

Concrete Countertop

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Image source: Matters of Design Inc.

If you want a more modern and industrial feel in your kitchen then the concrete countertop ideas are the ones that you should go for. They offer a truly infinite range of design possibilities and they can adapted easily for your space.

Contrasting Color Kitchen Countertops

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Image source: Eddy Homes

If you go for a bold color in your kitchen countertop for sure you are going to get a lot of attention with it. Colors like yellow, orange and lime green can be the option to go ahead with.

In conclusion, finding countertop ideas should not be a problem for you. There are many resources now that you can take advantage of. The challenging part is to choose the final idea that you are going to implement. Don’t rush, you are going to find what you need.

If you enjoyed reading this article about countertop ideas, you should read these as well:

The post Cool countertop ideas for you to create that stellar kitchen appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


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