Monday, August 10, 2020

Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)

Are you looking to build a new deck? Maybe you already have a design in mind, or you’ve picked a contractor.

Before you go any further, there are some important things you need to consider. You can’t just decide to build a deck one day, hire a construction worker and get it done. You must comply with the laws and regulations of your state.

For instance, building a bigger deck requires complying with stricter rules and regulations. You must also consider the building code in place and the safety regulations. Do I need a permit to build a deck? The short answer is yes.

buildng-deck Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)

It might seem as though building a deck is not that big of a deal and you can do it without notifying your local governing agency. Unfortunately, that could become a safety issue or a fire hazard.

Not getting a permit could lead to fines and other legal problems. You risk receiving a stop-order on your deck or having to tear it down completely. If you fail to follow the building code, someone can get hurt.

Selling your house with an unpermitted deck will be very difficult, and the contractor that worked on it could lose their license.

Why Do I Need a Permit to Build a Deck?

My-work-by-Precision-Remodeling-Inc. Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)
Image source: Precision Remodeling, Inc.

Remodelling a home in almost any capacity requires a construction permit. You wouldn’t just tear down a wall without letting anyone know, right?

Getting a permit might seem like a hassle and an unneeded expense. At the end of the day, it will actually save you money in the long term. For starters, you won’t risk facing fines or having to tear your deck down. In short, building a deck without a permit is illegal and punishable by law.

In addition to that, building codes are there to protect you. Imagine if your house had no fire exit; that would be very unsafe! The same thing applies to your deck.

Any construction should be built with safety in mind. Your deck should allow for safe passage in case of fire. In the opposite case, it might burn even quicker and aid to fire being spread to adjacent buildings.

Different Municipalities to Take Into Consideration

Cheshire-Deck-by-PJ-and-Company-Staging-and-Interior-Decorating Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)Image source: PJ and Company Staging and Interior Decorating

Before you start building your deck, you need to get approval from state, city, and local municipalities. Keep in mind that each can have their own rules and regulations you must follow.

Government-issued permits confirm that your structure is safe and durable. Cities and municipalities issue permits to ensure your structure doesn’t have a negative effect on the neighborhood. Figure out which permits you need to make your deck as safe as possible.

Here are some things you need to consider:

  • Distance between supporting posts
  • Thickness of planking
  • Dimensions of structural beams
  • Height of railings
  • Amount of weight the deck can support (people, things, snow, etc.)
  • Number of inspections needed

Steps to Take to File For a Permit

Step 1 – Check with your local government agency

local-govt Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)

Before you can apply for a permit, you need to know what documentation to use in your application. You can usually find that information on your local government’s official website. Search for “Department of Planning and Development.” There is usually a Q&A section with frequently asked questions.

You can also reach out to the agency to help you with gathering all the right documents. In short, you need to make a list of all the things you will need.

Step 2 – Reach out to a designer

submission Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)

Find a designer, an architect, or a contractor that will design the deck for you. You can discuss deck layout ideas with them. They’ll take all the measurements and present a viable design. A contractor can even apply for a building permit for you!

Step 3 – Find the rules of your state/county

Sammamish-Backyard-Retreat-by-Urban-Oasis-Design-Construction-LLC Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)Image source: Urban Oasis Design & Construction LLC

You will need to provide drawings of the deck you want to build. You should also offer some information about your building, such as square footage and property details.

There might be other information you’ll need to provide. Find what works in your state.

Step 4 – Provide copies of scale drawings of the framing plan

drawing Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)

You need to provide copies of the view of the deck. Some authorities might request the front and side view as well.

Most contractors use computer software to draw their design, but a hand drawing on graph paper will be accepted as well.

Increase the Value of Your Home

Two-tier-deck-with-stone-fireplace-by-Stumps-Decks-and-Porches Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer)Image source: Stump’s Decks and Porches

Research shows that home improvement can drastically increase the value of your home. While some projects won’t provide a high return, decks and patios have a very high average ROI often exceeding 100%.

If you’re selling your house and you have an unpermitted deck, you will get in a lot of trouble. You might face fines and even legal proceedings in court.

As labor costs are often the highest expense when it comes to home improvement, you can minimize those by building a deck yourself. All you have to do is get a permit!

Ending thoughts on “Do I need a permit to build a deck?”

Many people think obtaining a permit is just a waste of money. In reality, building codes and safety regulations are there to protect us and our neighbors. Everyone wants to live in a secure environment, and building codes make sure of that in their own way.

Building a deck without a permit is very risky, as your local government can stop the construction process at any moment. If you’re lucky, you’ll just have to obtain a permit and start construction all over again. If you’re less lucky, you’ll have to pay a fine and might even risk going to court.

If you’re still not convinced, consider the fact that selling your home will be very difficult if you’re unable to provide permit documentation. You simply won’t be able to sell your house.

Laws and regulations are there to protect you and the citizens of your city. Don’t take that lightly, and get a permit before you start building!

If you enjoyed reading this article about do I need a permit to build a deck, you should read these as well:

The post Do I Need A Permit To Build A Deck? (Quick Answer) appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

If you’re a welcoming host that likes having family and friends over, you must’ve considered building a deck. While it might not seem like it,decks are usually quite big. A project of this size can be hard for someone with no experience in construction.

At the same time, you might not want to hire someone to build it for you because of the price of labor. If you are willing to learn a thing or two about home renovation, then don’t give up! Building a deck is not as hard as you think.

Portfolio-by-Affordable-Views-By-RJB-Construction-INC What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)
Image source: Affordable Views By RJB Construction INC

All you need to build a deck is a couple of basic tools. You might already have some of them at home! If not, you need to make a shopping list.

The best way to figure out which tools you’ll need is to go from the ground up. To make your job easier, we wrote a short list of suggested tools.

So, what tools do I need to build a deck?

Layout and Measuring Tools

Construction calculator

construction-calculators What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

That’s an obvious one. You will need to calculate several things, such as the surface area of the deck and so on. You don’t actually have to invest in a proper calculator. Instead, you can download a construction app on your phone or tablet.

Tape measure

tape-measure What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

You will need this tool for any construction project. Even if you’re just buying furniture for your house, you’ll need to measure the dimensions to make sure everything fits.

A common problem many people face when building a deck is that the boards don’t fit. Measure them before you get to cutting to make sure they’re all the same size.

Framing and speed squares

Framing-and-speed-squares What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

A framing square, also referred to as a carpenter’s square, is used for checking the corners of a square and making long straight lines.

You’ll need speed squares to mark the boards before you cut them into smaller pieces.

Carpenter’s level

Carpenter’s-level What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

A carpenter’s level will help you keep your boards from caving. You don’t want to end up with a ramp!

To make the job easier, you can tie strings across the frame of your deck and adjust them to the desired level. Then, use the tool to confirm the strings are straight.

Chalk liner

Chalk-liner What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

Chalk liner will help you come up with perfectly straight lines. Everything needs to be even in a deck. The string is covered in chalk, so when you snap it around your boards it will leave a mark. This mark will show you where to make the cuts.

Tools for Building

Pry bars and wrenches

Pry-bars-and-wrenches What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

Pry bars are put into narrow spaces to pull the boards into position. A nail puller does the same job, but it can damage the wood.

Use a crescent wrench, also referred to as an adjustable wrench, to tighten the bolts in your construction.

Hand sledges can push tight board into position.

Circular saw

Circular-saw What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

You might already have a hand saw at home.Unfortunately, a hand saw is too small for a project the size of a deck. Keep in mind that you will be doing a lot of cutting, so it’s worth it to invest in a quality saw.

The recommended parameters are a 7 1/4 inch blade and a 10- to 13-amps motor.

Always wear eye protection and a face mask when using a saw. Wood will be flying around, and these help protect you from splinters.

A carbide-tipped combination blade makes cleaner cuts than a steel blade, so go for that if you can. Cut as much as you can before you begin the construction process. That will help to speed it up and make your job easier.

Nail gun and air compressor

Nail-gun-and-air-compressor What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

You will need a nail gun for keeping the deck together.

Instead of using a hammer and nails to hold the boardsin place, get some screws. They are stronger and look neater.

Power drills

power-drill What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

You will need a mixing drill to mix the concrete. It’s easier, quicker, and more efficient than doing it by hand. The concrete will come out smooth and won’t form air pockets.

A cordless power drill is an absolute must. Get one with at least an 18- or 20-volt motor for maximum power. You can use it to drill holes in the wood and drive screws in.

Knives and shears

Knives-and-shears What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

You definitely need a utility knife. It can help you finish and modify cuts in the wood.

Then, you will need tin snips or aviator shears to cut metal and plastic flashings. A grinder is also good at cutting metal.


hardware What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

Screws, nuts, bolts, and fasteners are the cheapest and smallest tools you’ll need, but they are no less important than the rest. You could have the best wood, and your deck could still easily fall apart with faulty hardware.

What type of hardware you’ll need will depend largely on the materials you’re using.

Opt for high-quality stainless steel screws and fasteners. Yes, they’ll cost you a little more, but they’ll also extend the life of your deck.

Check the compatibility of your screws and your deck boards. For example, you can’t use any other than ACQ screws with pressure-treated lumber. These are the only once that won’t corrode.

Hidden fasteners are a popular option as well. They don’t leave any screws on the surface of the deck. This way, the construction looks flawless and clean.

Long extension cord

Long-extension-cord What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

You will need one for the saw and one for the drill. Make sure the cord reaches from the power outlet in your house to the farthest point on the deck you’re building. Get as many as you need to power all the tools you’ll be using in the building process.

Ending thoughts on what tools do I need to build a deck?

build-deck What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered)

If you’re just starting out on your construction journey, or you just moved into a new home, these tools will come in handy for future projects.

On the other hand, if you’re a seasoned homeowner, you might already have some of these basic tools.

Of course, this is not a full list. These are just some of the best tools for building a deck. You might need to add some tools to your toolkit depending on your construction process. You can also forego some of the tools mentioned. For example, not every deck requires cement.

When buying new tools, stick to the rule that heavier is better. Generally speaking, the heavier the tool the higher quality, and the longer it will last you. In addition to that, heavier weight is good when cutting through boards or putting nails in.

When you’re buying a power tool, opt for the ones that are stronger, rather than those that have a variety of features. As a beginner, you don’t really need any additional features besides the basic ones, and all the models will have those.

Look for the tools that have more power. Power is referred to as amperage in corded tools, and toque in cordless tools. Don’t look at the RPMs (revolutions per minute) either. The speed of the machine is not as important as its power, and a speedy machine is not always the best one.

If you enjoyed reading this article about what tools do I need to build a deck, you should read these as well:

The post What Tools Do I Need to Build a Deck? (Answered) appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

A basement is a cleaning and maintenance challenge. Since it is a space that will mostly be dark and cold, it is much more prone to mold and moisture. Although these two are already enough reasons to clean the basement walls, many homeowners will not notice their presence until they start to smell something strange in their homes, and by this time, it will be too late to do superficial cleaning. Need to know how to get rid of musty smell in basement? Then continue reading.

The musty smell in the basement will start to permeate your entire home as the temperature rises. This is because hot air is lighter than cold air, and since the basement is the lowest level in the home, the only exit, other than a ventilation window, is through the door.

If this were not enough, all your home’s walls are prone to absorbing the odor, so if you do not solve the problem quickly, it will become immense.

The good thing is that with some natural techniques you will be able to get rid of the musty smell without having to call a professional, in addition to the fact that there are ways to prevent it from being generated.

Musty basements – The cause of the bad smell

musty1 How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

Unlike dust, moisture is a slightly more difficult agent to clean. This is because while moisture and mold are causing the bad smell, removing the visible layers will not be enough.

To get rid of musty smell in a basement, you will need to thoroughly analyze its origin. Moisture is first found in the air in the form of microscopic water droplets. In this state, they are not a threat to the walls, but a little heat is all these drops need to become steam.

In this gaseous state, the steam will travel until it finds a cold climate with which to return to its liquid state, and in the case of basements, this temperature is found in the walls and pipes. Basically, the air moistens the walls.

musty2 How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

Now that the walls and pipes have water, mold can begin to grow. There is no favorite environment for this mushroom than a dark, cold, and humid place. What is worse is that mold is also a microscopic agent, so its spores can travel through the air, allowing it to reproduce anywhere without being planted.

If you start to see black or green stains on the walls, and you feel strange basement smells, then you can be sure you will find mold.

Why should you eliminate mold?

musty4 How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

The first reason is that mold will continue to grow uncontrollably in the building. This could cause serious structural problems, and it will not look good.

The second reason is for your health. Although mold is not dangerous in most cases, some species can be toxic when inhaled. In people with allergic problems, a mold of any kind is a risk to their health, since they can develop respiratory complications derived from spores found in the air. Other people experience allergic skin reactions. It is better to avoid these risks.

How to get rid of musty smell in basement – Eliminate the origin

baking-soda-vinegar- How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

Mold can be easily removed from walls with a wide variety of chemicals. Before you start cleaning, equip yourself with the necessary safety items like gloves and glasses. It is also recommended that you test whether the substance you are going to use is not harmful to the surface you want to clean.

Some of the most common options are baking soda, pure vinegar, borax or bleach diluted in water, or hydrogen peroxide. To apply the substance you can use an atomizer or a bucket with a rag.

mold-control How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

The effectiveness of each cleaning agent will depend on the surface where it is applied. Porous walls are best cleaned with a mixture of liquid detergent, bleach, and water. For a smooth wall, it is best to use water and bleach.

In case the mold stain is not completely gone, you can try cleaning it with a bit of bleach. Do not overdo it or you could discolor the wall.

cardboard How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

Avoid storing things in cardboard boxes, as they easily absorb moisture. It is better to use plastic containers.

Finally, fabrics that have been impregnated with mold can be washed normally to eliminate it. If you are drying them using a tumble dryer, use the hottest setting the fabric can handle to kill mold.

How to get rid of musty smell in basement – Homemade and effective method

The solution to all cleaning problems

vinegar-and-baking-soda How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

There is no better universal cleaner than vinegar with baking soda. This mixture is also an excellent basement odor eliminator. Both compounds are capable of corroding dirt to make it easier to remove.

Please note that both vinegar and baking soda will give off a strong odor in the room, so it must be adequately ventilated.

clean-mold1 How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

You must first remove the mold. In a container, mix one gallon of water with 1/8 of white vinegar. Use a brush to spread the mixture on the surfaces, and let it sit in them for at least 20 minutes.

If the mold is still not coming out, you can try with borax to help the vinegar. After the time has passed, wipe the area with a dry cloth.

borax How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

There may still be mold residue left to remove, but it is so small you will not see it. Just to be safe, apply an additional layer of white vinegar to the area you cleaned. You can replace it with tea tree oil.

cooking-oil-1 How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

Finally, you just have to remove the mildew smell in the basement. If the vinegar did not completely remove it, then you must use the baking soda. This ingredient used for cooking will be able to absorb the remaining odor. You can even mix it with water and use it with an atomizer as if it were an environmental deodorant.

furniture How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

Furniture stored in the basement may also require deep cleaning. To avoid accidents, it is best to use certified cleaners for their treatment. Also, you will need to take them out from the basement and let them dry in the sun to eliminate mold.

Prevent mold from appearing

air-ducts How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

Moisture and mold can be prevented from owning your basement with a few simple tips. The most basic is to keep this room well ventilated. In case there is a window, keep it open when possible. If your basement has no natural or mechanical outlet to the outside, place a pair of fans that recirculate the air for a few hours.

If you have mechanical ventilation through ducts, remember to clean them constantly to avoid clogging them.

charcoal-briquettes How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips

You can use as a basement odor absorber a handful of charcoal briquettes or yard and concrete deodorizer granules. Both will take care of recirculating and absorbing the bad smell produced by humidity and mold, and they are easy to find materials. Besides, you can use multiples times the deodorizing granules.

Check the basement water pipes. The humidity’s cause may be a leaking pipe. Also check if the ceiling and walls are properly insulated and without leaks.

The last thing you need to know about how to get rid of musty smell in basement is that proper lighting is essential to maintaining a mold-free environment. Try to paint the basement with bright colors that allow you to easily spot any dark stains. Occasionally turning on basement lamps will also help keep moisture away from walls.

If you enjoyed reading this article about how to get rid of musty smell in basement, you should read these as well:

The post How to get rid of musty smell in basement with a few quick tips appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Friday, August 7, 2020

What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Nobody likes mold! Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, mold is a dreadful sight! Not only that, but it can also pose a serious health risk.

One unexpected place that can grow mold is your air conditioner. When the air is passing through the room, it can pick up some mold.

A good sign of black mold is its characteristic smell when you turn on the AC. Sometimes you can even smell it when the AC has been on for some time. If you’re allergic to mold, you’ll be able to tell when your allergies are triggered and you start sneezing or coughing. It is especially dangerous for those with severe allergies or asthma.

Sometimes you can see the mold forming on the air conditioner’s filter or the inside of it. Either way, once you’ve figured out you have mold, you need to get rid of it!

But first, let’s talk about what kind of mold grows in window air conditioners.

What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners?

6 common types of mold grow in window air conditioners.


Stachybotrys What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Commonly referred to as black mold, this type of mold has a greenish-black color. It usually grows on paper, lint, dust, fiberboard, and gypsum board.


Fusarium What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

This type of mold is most common in summer and requires wet conditions to grow. You can find it in humidifiers and stagnant water.


Acremonium What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Much like Fusarium, Acremonium needs a wet environment. It often occurs in hay or other dead plants. You can also find it in building materials that have been in water, or AC units. One source of Acremonium at home is humidifier water.


Trichoderma What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

This kind of mold is very aggressive. It grows in conditions that remain wet for long periods, such as air vents. It looks like spores and multiplies very quickly, thus posing a real threat to your home.


Alternaria What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

This type of mold is most commonly found in water-damaged building materials. You can also come across Alternaria in flooded areas and humidifiers.


mucor What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Mucor is the mold that you come across on the windowsill by your air conditioner.

Common Causes of Window Air Conditioner Black Mold

mold-in-ac What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Mold comes from mold spores, which are everywhere. You cannot get rid of all the mold spores in your house. Even if you did, it would be completely pointless, as more would enter every time you open a door or a window.

Luckily, mold spores by themselves are not threatening. They only pose a problem when they grow into mold and multiply. Since you can’t get rid of mold spores altogether, you need to monitor the growth of mold in your house.

Here is how mold spores can grow into full-blown mold in a window air conditioner.

  • Mold spores are blown into the AC unit.
  • Mold needs a wet environment to grow. One way to prevent mold is to control the moisture in your home. But since your AC gets rid of the moisture in the room, it collects a lot of it. Thus, mold in window air conditioners is very common.
  • Much like people, mold needs food to survive. That is one of the reasons you can often find mold on actual food items. One way to starve the mold is to keep your AC clean at all times.

window-ac-clean1 What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Generally speaking, air conditioners are not the perfect place for mold, especially if you clean yours regularly. However, they are a breeding ground for dust, which mold can feast on and grow.

Ways to Get Rid of Mold in Window Air Conditioners

remove-1-1 What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

You should always clean your air conditioner in a well-ventilated room. Note that you might be using bleach. Be careful, as it’s very dangerous if it gets into your eyes or mouth, and you cannot get it off your clothes.

First, you need to unplug the unit and remove the grille cover. Most of the time it snaps off, but in some situations, you might need to unscrew it. Then you should shine a flashlight into the air conditioner and look for mold. It can appear green, brown, or black, and is sometimes fuzzy. One common type of mold also has a gray or white color.

remove1 What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

If you find a few traces of mold inside, you’re in luck! You can probably just clean that off. However, if over 1/3 of the unit is covered with mold, you should consider replacing the whole AC.

You can use Tilex spray for black mold. Spray it onto the mold, wait a few minutes, and wipe it off with a cloth of your choice.

clean2 What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Here are the detailed instructions you can follow to get rid of black mold in window air conditioners.

  • Start by drawing approximately 2 inches of water in a large sink or bathtub. Add a healthy amount of dish soap. Mix the soap with the water to create a soapy solution.
  • Use a wet cloth to wipe the outside cover of the AC. Clean it well to avoid getting any dirt inside once you open the cover.

spray-1 What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

  • Remover the AC grille and the filter. You might need to unscrew it, or just slide it out. Proceed according to the design of your air conditioner.
  • Put the filter in the sink/tub with soapy water, or spray it with Tilex and let it sit for 15 minutes or longer.

ac-filter What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

  • Use a nylon brush to scrub both sides of the filter. Rinse it and shake the water off. Then, dry it with a towel and let it sit until it’s completely dry.
  • Clean the cover and the metal grille with a vacuum extension and a hose. Clean the whole cover thoroughly, and if there is still dirt left over then wipe that off with a wet cloth.

fix What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

  • Let all the parts dry completely before you reassemble your air conditioner. Then you can plug it back in and turn it on. If there is some stuff coming out of the AC, don’t be alarmed!

Now that your AC is clean, all you need to do is make sure it stays dry and clean.

Ways to Prevent Mold in Window Air Conditioners

cleanac What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

Unfortunately, once you’ve had mold, there is a high chance it will return. There is nothing you can do about that unless you want to spend money on a brand new AC.

That happens because mold spores can remain in the deep parts of the AC. To prevent mold from forming, get rid of dust regularly. Make it a habit to clean the inside of your air conditioner every few weeks.

If there is no dust in the unit, the mold won’t get a chance to grow. You can blow dust out of the back of the AC with compressed air. Some people cover their air conditioner with a towel when they’re not using it.

air-duct-clean What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It?

If you have AC in your house, you must also have a drainage system that leads to a drain tile or a utility sink. Make sure the system is working and doesn’t allow moisture in the AC. If your drains get clogged, your whole house can get flooded.

To make mold prevention easier, you can schedule regular cleanings and maintenance checkups. Don’t forget about HVAC maintenance when the seasons are changing. Let your air conditioner prepare for the change in weather in due time.

Window air conditioners are especially good for mold, as they are dark and warm on the inside. To avoid mold outbreaks, conduct regular checkups and clean the unit every few weeks.

If you’re looking to change your air conditioner, get one with humidity control. That takes all the work off your shoulders and lets the AC control the levels of moisture.

Ending thoughts on what kind of mold grows in air conditioners

Many homeowners have faced mold before. Not only is it ugly and unhygienic, but it is also threatening to people’s health.

Getting rid of mold can be quite easy if you catch it right away. It will get harder as it begins to grow and spread.

If mold gets into your AC, it can spread throughout the house. To avoid that, it’s best to not give it moisture and nutrition. Conduct regular checkups and clean your air conditioner!

If you enjoyed reading this article on what kind of mold grows in window air conditioners, you should read these as well:

The post What Kind of Mold Grows in Window Air Conditioners and How to Get Rid of It? appeared first on Impressive Interior Design.


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Rain garden design ideas you can create around your house

Often people have flooded in their basements or their backyards. This problem is not only annoying, but it is hazardous as well. Among the many solutions to this issue is a rain garden.

It is a simple way to help to decrease water runoff. Not only is it a practical solution, but it also adds glamour to your property. A rain garden is quite easy to build.

It works in most climates and locations. They can also be beneficial when it comes to budget as well. Some local water councils even offer discounts for building one. You also save a lot of time and money on lawn care.

With this simple list of rain garden design inspirations, you’ll find motivation and inspiration to immediately add one to your property.

What is a Rain Garden?

Rain-Garden-Hollywood-by-Garden-Stories Rain garden design ideas you can create around your house
Image source: Garden Stories

A rain garden is a garden or a rain pond of native plants and flowers. It is usually planted in a small depression generally built on a natural hill. Its use is to briefly take and soak in rainwater runoff that leaks from rooftops, streets, yards, or terraces.

When building a rain garden, you have to keep in mind that certain plants are better. Ideally, local and native plants are the best ones. This is because they assist in draining the water into the soil in less than a day.

Rain gardens are also magnificent for limiting contamination and preventing overall pollution. They help by accumulating pollutants such as excess nitrogen, phosphorus, and other chemicals from lawn fertilizers. These kinds of contaminants are incredibly detrimental to streams, rivers, and lakes. By absorbing them, they preserve the groundwater condition and improve the overall water quality.

Rain Garden Design Ideas

When creating a rain garden, you should always work with the assets you already have. A rain garden should enhance your lawn. Work with your plants, trees, and weeds to create a personalized design. Your favorite tree or spot could become even more attractive or accentuated. With these rain garden design ideas, you can explore your tastes and get on with building one.

Flower Inspired Rain Garden Designs

Rain-Garden-Milford-Michigan-by-Landforms Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: Landforms

As stated before, rain gardens are an excellent method to keep water runoff from roofs, paths, and lawns. You didn’t know that they can do all that while still being aesthetically pleasing to the eye. You can accentuate your rain garden by adding flower-inspired designs.

For example, this rain garden design highlights vibrant summer and fall colors. It comes with gold black-eyed Susan, purple Russian sage, purple coneflower, and rose-pink ‘Autumn Joy’ sedum. It’s excellent if you love flowers included in your design.

Rain Garden on a Slope

A-garden-built-on-a-slope-by-Jay-Sifford-Garden-Design Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: Jay Sifford Garden Design

A rain garden is ideally established on a faint slope uphill from the low point in your backyard, upright to water flow. That’s why when you’re building the rain garden, you first need to create a terraced garden. You also must add multiple cells to uphold and retain the water.

Of course, you should stage these cells in a way that they are aesthetically pleasing as well. That way, you’ll have both a gorgeous yet practical garden on a hill.

The Rain Zen Garden

Zen-Garden-by-The-Garden-Artist-LLC Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: The Garden Artist LLC

In springtime, Zen gardens are a must. They are simple, yet they add a special touch to the overall look. Their simplicity doesn’t overpower the landscape, but it adds a fresh look to it.

You don’t have to plan a lot in order to install a Zen garden. You can make some of the infiltration area a Zen-inspired space, and that’s it. All you need to do is set up a porous plant barrier below the rocks, and there you have it.

You can finish your design by adding a long line of water-loving plants that will absorb moisture and prevent your soil from going air-less.

Design With Your Overall Landscape in Mind

Menomonee-River-Parkway-Oasis-by-Hawks-Landscape-Inc. Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: Hawks Landscape Inc.

Perhaps a different way of working your rain garden design is to choose plant-based surfaces and textures. You can even add various shades and shapes that match your current weeds. You can make this rainwater garden stand out or blend with the rest of your current backyard aesthetic.

At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether those two things will harmonize or not. Your rain garden design is your personal choice and financial limits.

Make it Double

West-Seattle-Eco-friendly-Home-rain-garden-and-patio-by-In-Harmony-Sustainable-Landscapes Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes

If you want to optimize their performance, you can mirror two rain gardens. This way, not only will they optimize the functionality, but they will additionally complement your walking path as well.

Each season you will seem to have a new pair of rain gardens. During spring and summer, they will shine as lush gardens, and during fall and winter, they will marble the weather.

This kind of stone spillway regulates rainwater flow from nearby firm exteriors into the rain garden sink. On the lower side, an overflow spillway and drainage pipe move rainwater runoff to adjacent storm drain pipes when massive rains fuel the rain garden to flood.

Edging Lends a Finished Look

North-Arlington-Residence-by-Katia-Goffin-Gardens Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: Katia Goffin Gardens

You can always keep the rain garden separated from the yard by building a precise edging. This kind of edging gives off a more clean and professional-looking atmosphere.

However, when making an edging, it is essential to choose an edging that is easily mowed. That way, you are going to keep your low garden maintenance and can enjoy it  and worry less.

Go with the Flow

Gardens-by-Exteriorscapes-llc Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: Exteriorscapes llc

Another great idea to spice up your design is adding a movement to it. You can mobilize your backyard by combining different patterns to your rain garden. It is best to add a linear flow pattern, which will make it seem as if a stream is running.

You can even use different sand and rocks types to add as a crucial element to the overall look. However, it is best to use different plants or weeds. Such greenery will emphasize the pattern and beautify it.

Bridging The Rain-Garden

Longfellow-Patio-Rain-Garden-Dry-River-Bed-by-Stone-Arch-Landscapes Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: Stone Arch Landscapes

Another great addition to your rain garden design is a bridge. Adding a bridge will become the most prominent feature in the overall landscape image. It can be both environmentally friendly and eye-catching as well.

On the upper edges of the rain garden, you can add the thyme herb. Such an element will form a sweet green carpet.

Ornamental And Decorative Grasses To Steal The Show

Garden-Paths-and-Landscape-Steps-by-Derviss-Design Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: Derviss Design

If you’re looking for a year-round texture and vibrance, ornamental grasses are for you. Groups of these herbs add a harmonizing tone and mingle well with the neighboring plants.

Ornamental grasses add year-round texture, movement, and color to rain gardens. You can emphasize these vibrant weeds by building a paver stone pathway. It nicely compliments their lively nature and reforms the rain garden.

What Kind Of Plants Should You Choose For Your Rain-Garden Design?

A-house-wrapped-into-the-garden-by-J.-Gieo-Pensoneault-MLA Rain garden design ideas you can create around your houseImage source: J. Gieo Pensoneault, MLA

It is always best to choose water plants that can adapt to both moist and dry soils. The reason for this is that At times, the garden will have very wet soil, but at other times plantings will be swamped by rainwater. A mix of both native and decorative plants is always a great choice. Plants such as turtlehead, switchgrass, or even dense blazing star are perfect if you’re looking for that.

You can also add tall trees and other large and broad weeds in order to divert the waterfall. Because of their tall structure, they slow it down. Additionally, they also can act as water filters.

Ending thoughts on the perfect rain-garden design

Once you’ve decided on your rain garden idea, the next step is adding a pinch of your own personal taste.

Now that you have the inspiration, it’s crucial to measure your garden’s capability for the area – the downspouts that lead into your rain garden and the upslope area that runs into your rain garden.

You can accommodate any of these ideas in almost any space – from large to small. Furthermore, you can explore different designs in order to create an original and unique touch.

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